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"So this is it?" I took my hand back.
"This is it." he responded.

I took my things, making my way towards the door with swift steps.

I stopped in my tracks, fighting the urge to turn around and look at him. In the end I was strong enough to don't look back. I left the room with loud slam of the door.

I picked up my phone and searched for a number I hardly ever called.

"Hello, Harry?"
"Hey Zayn." I licked my lips since they were puckered all over.
"Are you okay?" I really wanted to talk about everything with someone and felt like that someone was Zayn.

"I- could I talk to you?"
"Sure, wanna come over?" he offered immediately.
"I'd like that, yeah."
"K. I'll send you the address, yeah?" I raised my corners, just to let them fall again.
"Thank you."
"No problem, see you in a few." and with that the call ended.

Zayn: Here ************************. It's the second floor, flat number 7.

I came to the place where Zayn was supposedly living. It was a bricked flat house.

Finding his flat wasn't any hard. When I did find it I rang the doorbell.
I have never been to Zayn's place before as you could tell.

"Hey." he opened the door for me.
"Hello." I came in, looking for a place where to put my coat and shoes.
"Just put it somewhere, wherever." he led me into his living room afterwards.

"So what is going on?" he asked straight away.
"Lot of things but mostly this. You know who Tomlinson is, right?" I began to rub my hands against each other nervously.
"Yeah, I know."
"Well we had a thing going on. And he kinda saved my life, twice. I thought, I saw there was something more but today he just ended everything between us. I don't understand him." I poured out.
"He was always a whore, Harry. At least that is what I heard from one of my friends. But I think there had to be something different with you. How long have you been hooking up?"
"Couple of months actually." I had to think about it. Yeah, it has been a while since we did something sexual together for the first time.

"I think I might love him." I looked into Zayn's brown eyes with the look of hurt doe.
"He practically told me that we will never see each other again." I wanted to go back and just- just be there, be with him.
"I want to wake up in his bed, I want to smell his cologne from the pillows he had lain on, I want to see his blue, cold irises burn a hole into my head everyday." I was really going crazy. Why am I even telling him all of this?

"Harry." he sighed.
"I just- why?" I could taste the salty fluid on my lips.
"Fate Harry. Fate has it all planned out for us. I think you should take some time to be with yourself, you need to discover who you really are. You have been living just for your job, spending time worrying over him and then drinking on weekends. Harry, life has so much more to offer you. Just quit your job and do whatever feels right. Travel the world or I dunno. Just do!" Zayn smiled and I had to agree with his words when I thought them through.

I don't even know who am I anymore. I never did anything else apart from being a model. I never tried to meet new friends since I met Niall. I never tried new things. I have been living in a repeating cycle all those years.

"You are right, as always."
"I know I am. I have been there, on your place." he went into his kitchen to bring us a bottle of wine and two glasses.
"Now tell me. What does Harry Edward Styles want to do?" he grabbed the laptop that was lying on his coffee table.

"I- I always adored tattoos." I admitted.
"I could never get one because of my job." that was true, I couldn't because they would be seen on the pictures.
"So you would like to be a tattoo artist?" I don't know.
"Well, maybe it would be something for me." I shrugged.
"Okay, let's look over some information about tattoo artists and courses for them." he typed it into google.

"There is a course with some very good artists in New York. I think you should sign up for it."
he showed me the page he found.
"Okay, sign me up." I bit my lip, not so sure if this is what I should be doing.
"Really?" he smiled at me, quite surprised.
"Yeah, do it before I'll change my mind." I closed my eyes momentarily. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this.

"I know it will make you feel better once you will be there." he began to fill in the form.
"Take it away, I don't know your personal information." he handed me the laptop.

I filled it in, pressing the 'send' button. There was no way back now.

We had spent our night together by watching tattoo shops, thinking of new future for me, planning everything out.

"I think we should go to sleep." he patted his thighs before he got up from his place.
"Yeah, I will g-" but he was quick enough to suffocate me with a blanket and pillow.
"You are staying here tonight, I am not letting you go home this late." he pointed out into the darkness.

So that's how I spent my night over, sleeping on Zayn's couch, thinking about starting my 'new life'.

Am I really ready to leave modeling? Am I ready to lose Louis? I wasn't sure about the answers to these questions at all.

Alright, a little filler is needed but the things that will happen later *chef's kisses*.
The weather is so bad these days, I hate it. I just want spring already...

I hope you are alright and safe!

Here is some water and food 🥤🥯🍌🥑🥕.

I love you all<3

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