Chapter - 73

Mulai dari awal

"Ok, Mrs Martinelli. But tell your son also. He thinks that he is the dominant one always."

"Of course I am amore."

"Leonardo stop! I am talking to Nandita. Don't interfere." Her words made me silent.

Turning towards Nandita she continued. "Go to your room dear. Nobody is going to celebrate her birthday if she isn't interested. It's her day and her decision matters the most. So all of you get back to your work."

I stood there watching Nandita going up. Dad sauntered towards us with an angry look. Now they are gonna fight.

"Bianca it's our rule that whatever our son or the present Mafia Don says we have to agree. If Leonardo wants to---" I cut him off.

"No problem dad. I don't want you both to fight. And it isn't fair to disobey my mom even if I am the Mafia Don. So let's listen to what she says."

Dad stared at me while mom had a puzzled look. Both shifted their gaze to each other and back at me. But I ignored them and walked towards my room. I heard Dad telling something to mom but it wasn't audible. I looked at the opposite door. I wished to check on Nandita's condition. I stilled when I heard whimpering from her room.

I quickly opened the door and saw my amore crying. She buried her face in her palms so I couldn't see her face clearly. But her crying made my heart ache. Till now I am the reason for her pain. But I want to erase the pain and make her happy. That's my only intention. Sadly, Nandita doesn't try to understand it.

"Nannu." I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and shoved my hand before she stood up.

"Stop calling me Nannu. You are hurting me."

"See amore I am not hurting you. I want you to accept the situation and live accordingly."

She formed a fist and punched on the wall. Her action shocked me. I rushed to her side but she stopped me.

"If you take another step closer to me, I will use the gun. For my protection."

I gazed at the gun. It wasn't loaded. "You can use it. But it is not loaded. But I can show you---"

"GET OUT!" She screamed. She collapsed on the bed. I went and sat beside her. She had finally broken down.

"Stop crying amore. It's hurting to see you like this."

She didn't reply. But the intensity of her crying increased. She clutched the bedsheet mumbling something in her mother tongue.

She must be cursing me. Well, I deserve it.

Ignoring her wails, I gently wrapped my arms around her. She tried to push me but I tightened my hold. I am not leaving her alone in this state. She needs to be comforted.

"Relax amore. Cry as much as you want. Hit me, slap me but I will only leave after you calm down. Coz I love you Nandita."

"Leave me alone please..." She mumbled. It sounded like she was begging. But how can I leave her? I promised her that I won't leave her midway.

"Please amore. Allow me to stay."

"You are impossible." She muttered. I kept quiet. I allowed her to speak whatever came into her mind. I allowed her to curse me.

"Calm down. I am here." I whispered. I stroked her head gently. She was breathing heavily.

I rocked her a little thinking that it will calm her. Slowly her breathing became normal. She exhaled deeply. Her eyes were closed. The tears dried on her delicate face.

I stared at the angel in my arms. My love. My world. My salvation. My piece. I caressed her cheek. My heart ached more feeling the tear stain on her face. I planted a kiss on her cheek. She was drifting off to sleep. Later the sound of her baby snoring indicated that she slept.

I lifted her in my arms and then placed her on the bed properly. I pulled the duvet over her body. I sat beside her and caressed her face again. I was too gentle coz I don't want to wake her up.

"I love you amore," I mumbled before kissing her forehead. I felt her breath on my face. "You are so pure."

I stood up and turned towards the door. Before exiting I glanced at her for the last time. I decided to let her rest till dinner time arrives. Still, two hours are left. I closed the door and looked at my suit where her face touched. I touched there feeling the wetness caused by the tears.


Hey guys

☞How was the chapter?

☞Should Nandita practice to use the gun?

☞Is there an end to her suffering?

LOVE OF VENGEANCE [ A Mafia Romance]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang