"Outside will do you good,"

"Open the window for some fresh air, but I am not moving today. I feel like I could be sick any moment,"



It was meant to come out as a strong statement, but it came out as a beg, and my voice cracked. 

Defeated, he called Petunia upstairs and laid down again, letting her come and lay between us.

His hair was greasy and the curls had kind of flopped, and he had huge eye bags. I knew I looked the exact same.

Life had really flipped upside down.

"I'm sorry," he said after a few minutes of stroking Petunia, "Can I help you in any way?"

"I'm gonna watch some tv... can we cuddle?"

He sat next to me and pulled me into his side, then we silently watched tv.

After a while, I fell asleep again. I only woke up because Maddox climbed into the bed beside me and started to fuss over me.

I hummed and she took her hands off me, giggling as she gave me a peck on the lips.

"Wakey wakey,"


"How are you feeling?"

"Don't even ask,"

"I thought you were getting better?"

"Swapped medicine," I said, rubbing my eyes, "I feel terrible,"

"Can I do anything?"

"Just be here,"


"I got an interview, here,"

"That's amazing! I just accepted my place," she smiled, laying beside me, "I'm proud of you,"

She pulled me close to her body and tucked me under the covers, meaning I must feel cold to the touch despite how hot I felt. I was kind of paranoid I had an infection but dad insisted I didn't.

Being in her arms was probably the best I had felt all day, so I nuzzled closer and shut my eyes because they felt heavy and kind of sore.

"When do you think you might feel better?"

"Hopefully tomorrow, after some sleep,"

"Yeah, I will come round again,"

"You don't have to,"

"I do. I have missed you too much,"

I smiled into her chest and sighed, her warmth soothing me like nothing else had managed to do.

It was crazy how one person could make me feel so much better.

"What's for tea?"

"Your dad said it's something Calum made,"


"Can he cook?"

"So well. And it usually makes me feel okay because I can actually eat the damn thing,"

"It looked nice. Have you managed to eat much?"


"Well thats okay, just do what you can. I know it's really hard right now,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

The door opened abruptly and I peeked up to see Sierra, followed my dad who had food for us both; we sat up and he put it on our laps, kissing my head.

"We will be downstairs if you need us,"

"Please can I have a drink?"

"Of course angel. Maddox?"

"Water, please,"

"Coming right up,"

She giggled and looked at me, then began to eat her food.

"Do you not like it?"

"I do,"

"Come on then," she said, scooping some onto my fork, "It's so good,"

"I'm not hungry," I whispered, "You can have mine,"

"I'm not having yours,"

The door opened again and dad brought in two glasses of water, placing one either side of us.

"Do you want something different?"


"Okay, do your best, and then you can have cake,"

"I am 18, don't bribe me with cake,"

"You can bribe me with cake," Maddox said, "And her. The bribe will work if you add coffee,"

"That's already been used today," he said, "I know it sucks angel but put some tv on with Maddox and eat what you can,"

I nodded and wiped my eyes, looking up to Sierra at the door as a last resort. There was nothing she could do, I knew that, but I wished there was.

They both left again, so Mads put the TV on and I reluctantly ate the food.

Recovery from this sucked a lot more than I expected.

"When I come tomorrow, do you need anything? Snacks? School sheets? Ice cream?"

"I'm fine,"

"I'll bring ice cream,"



"I don't need ice cream, it's okay,"

"Sh," she said, putting her finger on my lips, "I am getting you some. You might feel better tomorrow,"

Despite my sour mood, a small smile crept onto my face, and I leant across to kiss her.

"Fine, you can bring me ice cream,"

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