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Not many people know about the relationship I have. Well, I should make that word plural. "Relationships". There's multiple reasons that a lot don't know about it. One, it was supposed to be a secret relationship, so very few people knew about it. That included myself, the relationship, and maybe a small group of other people. Two, we were worried about what other people would think about us being together. And three, I had to sign a contract that would hold me accountable if I ever said anything.

I would be lying if I said that it saddened me I couldn't say anything about it. I would've loved for my parents to know that I was in a happy relationship. I'm confident that my mother would be over the moon if she ever knew. But, I couldn't tell her. I sometimes had days or nights, where I longed to just call my mom and ask her for advice on some things. But, I couldn't. Not unless I wanted to get in trouble. Oh, and I forgot the most important reason I couldn't say anything.

I was dating a k idol group. By the name of Tomorrow x Together, also known as TXT. When I say I'm dating them... I mean all of them. And it happened unexpectedly. I'd been poly for quite a long time, really. I'd been in a poly relationship once before, a couple of years ago. But, it hadn't worked out too well. Although, I hadn't let that one bad experience put a bad taste in my mouth. I wasn't exactly planning on getting into another poly relationship. Not because I didn't want it. Just for the reason that I wasn't actively looking for one. I hadn't even been wanting a normal relationship.

Not to mention the fact that I never thought or expected to ever meet TXT, let alone date them. Not that I was complaining. How could I? I was very happy, they seemed to be very happy as well. They always made time for me, even with their tight schedules. They always made sure that I knew they cared for me, whether it was through words, looks or actions. They would even plan dates for us to go on, either all of us together, or individually. The others didn't get jealous if I was spending time with one of the others.

How could I complain? I was dating 5 amazing men, who all treated me in a way that I never thought I ever would be.

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