Part 73: Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

"But that would imply we were something to begin with anyway..." Akai chuckled to himself, and a few more tears rolled down her face.

"What-what kind of sick joke..." Aoi choked through her tears.

"Aoi. I'm a thousand year old, immortal, cannibalistic monster. I survive by consuming my own flesh and blood!" Akai yelled. "I'm an undying demon older than your entire bloodline, whose only good quality is being really good at murdering my own kind!" He shouted at her again, making her flinch.

"...You're not a monster..." She whimpered, and Akai gritted his teeth.

"...Muzan Kibutsuji is my uncle." Akai said it straight to her. In an instant, she was frozen. "The monster who started all of this, the monster who created the demon that murdered your family," Akai said. "If you continue loving me... If you have my children... You would be continuing his bloodline." Akai's voice lowered, as he choked back breaking into tears himself. "So just... Stop." He finished. Aoi stared into nothing, imagining the death of her family. Imagining all the terrible things those monsters had done to her.

"...Bye." Akai got up from the bench and turned to leave.

He felt as if the entire world was on his shoulders. He wanted to believe there was another way. But this was the only way to lessen the pain that would come later. 

"You're not him..."

Akai heard Aoi whisper.

"Why are you making this so hard...?" Akai clenched his teeth as the glint of tears glossed over his eyes.

"YOU'RE NOT HIM, YOU IDIOT!!!" She screamed at him, making him stop in his tracks.

Akai let out a shuddering breath,

And told her something.

That something made her heart shrink, as she fell to her knees, wailing in despair.

Akai kept walking as she cried.

As tears welled up in his eyes.

But he clenched his fists, and the tears evaporated into steam with a white hiss.

"No time for tears, Akai, you have shit to do." He muttered to himself.


"Are you sure about this, Akai?" Ubuyashiki asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Akai nodded. He had just told Ubuyashiki his plan. "I only ask that the pillars or recruits do not interfere." He said.

"...Very well." Ubyashiki closed his eyes and nodded.

"Thank you, sir." Akai bowed and left.

Now alone with his wife, Ubuyashiki sighed and laid down on his futon.

"That boy..." Ubuyashiki muttered.




"He's suffering so much.." 


Akai let out a shuddering breath as he walked. He wondered if he would be able to go through with what he had planned. But he clenched his fists and soldiered on.

He emerged into the clearing that was the training ground, the recruits lined up, anticipating his counseling.

Akai approached them, stopped, and spoke:

"Day's off, guys." Akai said. The recruits froze and tilted their heads, confused.

"You heard me, clear out. Rigorous exercise after filling your bellies'll do no good for you. Take another day off, and give it your all tomorrow." He explained, and the recruits reluctantly bowed and cleared out.




Here goes...

"Tanjiro, you stay."

Tanjiro Kamado froze, and turned to Suisei.

"What is it, Akai?" He asked, confused.

Akai waited until the recruits had all left, and turned to him.

"Let's talk." Akai said.


"Huh!? They did!?" Tanjiro shouted in surprise. Akai had been explaining to him everything that had happened the previous night.

"They did, and they were monstrous." Akai said. "One on one, I may stand a chance. But together, I couldn't hold a candle to them." Akai said. "All of the Upper Moons are back, and they're stronger than ever." He said.

"W-what can we do then!?" Tanjiro asked frantically.

Akai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and stared Tanjiro dead in the eye. 

"There's one thing I can think of." He began. 

"Okay, what is it?" Tanjiro leaned forward with a smile on his face.

"...Your sister, Nezuko, is special..." Akai said.

"...Huh?" Tanjiro was confused.

"She is a demon that didn't touch blood, yet she has conquered the sun." Akai said.

"..." Tanjiro froze.

"Muzan believes she is the key to his immortality." Akai said.

"..." Tanjiro's breathing quickened, the puzzle pieces connecting in his mind.

"Tanjiro..." Akai muttered.




"I'm going to devour your sister."




"What?" The emotion drained from Tanjiro's face as every muscle clenched in his body.

"You heard me, Tanjiro." Akai said. "I'm going to steal her from Muzan, and use that power to kill him and his moons." He explained.  

He did not move as Tanjiro drew his sword. He moved not an inch as Tanjiro's spirit swelled, emitting a force far greater than any Upper Moon. An aura of pure unadulterated power and rage, all directed at him.




"Dumbass." Akai hissed and heated his body.

And so begins the war between the Red Comet and Fire God.


Here's some more trivia:

Trivia One: Akai and his counterparts can change their heights and sizes in general, but they have a few preferred heights. That being:

-Casual: Around 5'6'' (5 feet and 6 inches)

-Battle: Around 6'5'' 

-Playing around/being childish: Around 3'11'' (child height)

-Stealth/Gremlin: Around 3'' (Three inches)

Trivia Two: Akai Suisei's favorite color is purple.

Trivia Three: During his thousand-year slumber, Akai took brief moments every fifty years to murder any and all demons deemed unfit of being part of the final selection.

Trivia Four: Akai's longest record for holding his breath was five days.

Trivia Five: No being alive can break up the coming battle between Suisei and Kamado.

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