Chapter sixty-eight: Brutal Truth

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I chew on my lip nervously. Giovanni sits in the chair next to my hospital bed and faces the window. He's been really acting weird all day.
Though, I have no fucking clue what the deal breaker is.

The door opens and Theresia stands in the frame. Her dark hair is circled in a high bun and her face looks weirdly pale.

I narrow my brows together and stare at her. Her eyes switch between me and Giovanni. She almost looks horrified.

"Theresia what is-". Suddenly she grips the door knob tightly and slams the door shut. She's faster than my eyes can comprehend. Unexpectedly, my sister throws herself onto my husband, sending both of them straight away to the floor.

I hold onto my bed sheets and scream at her.

"What the fuck?".

Giovanni's hand throws down my nightstand and all of the pills that were neatly piled on another, pool around the furniture.

"Why the fuck would you do that to her?". Theresia scratches her hand over Giovanni's throat and bares her teeth dangerously near his carotid. Her voice brings my skin to shiver.

"Get off of me!". He tries to push her down, but Theresia bends her knees and crashes a second time low.

"Let go now!". My voice halls through the room and I'm stunned that yet no nurses had came in to check on us.

My sister snatches her head to me and just then I notice her blood shot red eyes.

"Both of you, get up! Jesus what are you, an animal?". I mock. They both scramble to their feet and scowl at each other.

"And now tell me why have you felt the urge to overran my husband?". Theresias lips fold into a snarl. I have never seen her like this before. Her energy is so activated and disturbingly even.

"You can't call him your husband in any reasonable aspect". She brushes her hands over her—now dirty—sweater.

"Enough with the child talk, give me my answer". My arms are draped over my chest. Giovanni is plastered on his chair again, staring straight ahead.

I'm annoyed by this whole attitude of theirs.

"Theresia fucking speak now".

"You really want to know the truth? The brutal truth of what happened right before he took you all out of a sudden into a different continent? I'm gonna rip your beautiful family apart and make you dare decisions, you didn't even thought you were capable of. Caroline, I'm being dead serious right now, you don't want to know about what I know".

Her skin is scratched red, her anxiety is spreading all over her, it's getting to her head. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be life changing".

Her cold laugh interrupts my thinking.

"That's so you! Trusting someone else, even though your sister is telling you otherwise. That is so fucked up Caroline!".


"What the fuck are you talking about? You come in after I fucking gave birth to an almost dead corpse and attack Giovanni, and then when I want to know what's going on, you change it on me. What is your problem?".

Her shocked face says everything. She didn't even think why we are in a hospital. She just went in with no second thought, nothing. I know my pregnancy had to be a surprise for everyone, especially since I couldn't tell them myself, but that she didn't even spared a second on all of this, is putting me to an end.

Tears sting my eyes and I want nothing else than to drown to the bottom of the ocean.

"I- oh god Caroline... I am so sorry, I didn't even-".

"Yeah you are right, you didn't even activate your little brain up there!".

Giovanni looks at me remorseful.

"And what is happening with you anyway, you act like a different person. At first I thought it is about the change and the family that starts to nag on you or-".

"Caroline". Theresia says, but I ignore her, I don't want to let her talk now.

"I am so sick of the tippy toeing around me. I am no longer pregnant—for a fac my baby is laying in a different room than this, instead of being next to my heart. I feel like a fucking failure and no one cares about second guessing themself about this situation-".

"Caroline please-„.

"No you fuck off! I want to feel for one second a different crips of air. I am out into this outcome and all I can do is sit around and swallow fucking pills all day".


"Theresia how about shutting the hell-".

"Giovanni killed Eden". My vocal cords are cut off and I choke on my saliva.


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