Chapter forty-four: Red Eyes In The Night

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(Play when mentioning)

My dress fits me in all the right places, it was a formal cocktail dress, in an emerald green glitter with a hint of royal blue in it. It was something special and surely something that caught eyes. I sniff and run a hand through my blond waves, I normally wear it natural, but the people here wanted to have me as their doll. I had to obey otherwise...

Mr.De'Bardi already threatened me with death and other cruel stuff, obviously I am too grown up to believe any of that shit. I stand tall with my chin lift up high. "Miss?". My name was called by one of the workers here. The party already started and music filled the halls along with cherish laughters. I nod and follow her outside into the halls of the De'Bardi's mansion.

"Look who came out of their cage to wish me a happy birthday". Alessandro swivels his champagne class around and comes to a wobbly stop in front of me. "No, I didnt-". But he was too drunk to even get what I was saying. I roll my eyes, bend down to his, few inches smaller than me, and kiss him on the cheek. "Che Dio ti dia salute e richezza!". His face lits up and he kisses me stormy onto my mouth, "Alessandro!". I mock him and he dances his way back to the crowd. (May God give you health and wealth)

I walk along the column's, hoping that no one will object me any further.

"Baby". Eden embraces his arms and smiles wildly. "What a surprise to see you around here". I fletch my teeth at him and focus my gaze on his carotid. "Aha now you act like you have no clue about any of this?". I position my hand onto the blade that's attached to my thigh. His eyes narrow together and his smile remains. "What do you mean angel?". My tongue spits out the words.

"Everybody knows that you have set me up like this. Handling a deal out with Giovannis father and suggested to him that I would be better off of that mission, just because I am a women".

"But isn't that what you are? A women". He challenges me with his plastered grin on his fucking stupid face. "A women is the most dangerous weapon you can possible have and if I were you, I would be careful". My corners of my mouth pull up a bit and I step closer. "You'll never know if the person around the corner is your enemy or your ally".

He raises an eyebrow.

"Drink?". I frown, that is Eden through and through, pushing himself out in a dangerous conversation and confusing his other. "No thank you". I stalk pass him and feel his eyes on my lower back, traveling down my ass to my legs. I breathe in and turn my attention towards the party. If Giovanni isn't here anyway, I shall have at least a little bit of fun.


(Play music)

I laugh and turn and turn and turn until everything turns into a blur. A giggle next to me captures me and I see Eden approaching me, his cheeks flushed and his walk stumbling.

He places his hands on my hips and we swing to the music, everyone is laughing and enjoying the show. The music gets slower and suddenly my mind feels weird. A slow balade is played. "Let's dance like we used to as little kids". I glow with the alcohol and nod excited. We tear us from the group and go to the balcony. The night is embracing Italy, the stars shine on us and we continue to dance.

I till my head and look at my childhood sweetheart. "I've missed you". I say and observe his face. He lowers his head to me and gazes at me friendly. There is finally no danger to be aware of, it's just us and the time stopped, returned to when we were 12. "I miss you too, a lot. Caroline I miss you so so so much". Tears come up and glistening in the moon light.

"We wasted so much time when we were young and I had to... had to-". I couldn't even speak out the words that came across my memory.

"Shhh". He whispers and brings my head on his lips, I snuggle into his chest.

"I know, I know, let's not waste another precious hours on that, ok?". I slowly nod and bring my hand in front of my mouth to stop the loud sobs to come out, I fight the tears, but they still float down my cheeks and my eyebrows are pinched together unmerciful.


"Yes Caroline?".

"Why do you hate me so much?". I look back to him and his face freeze at my sight. Red eyes in the night. "I don't hate you". He says and caresses my cheek with his thumb, whisking away my tears. "You do!". My voice cracks uncomfortable and tears make they way back. He shakes his head, no. "But why would you do that to me, revenge for what I've done to you all this years ago?".

"No mi amore".

"Don't call me that, only Giovanni can call me that". He sighs and I don't know why I said that.

"I am here to protect you from Giovanni".


"Don't you think I deserve to be yours and you mine? We loved each other from the start and-".

"No Eden! Thats not why you here". "Thats why I am here, Caroline. I want you back, I searched after you the last years, because I still love you. Do you hear me Caroline, I love you, in fact, I never stopped loving you". My heart believes him, damn it! I know he loves me, I do too after all these years I want him back. His eyes search mine and than it happened, my world split apart and I fall right into the dark split.

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