Moo Moo :'D

237 11 2




//my bday is on april sooo eheh-
//ishslap into oblivion for being so shameless-


The old cliche binnie tryna hide his hybrid form because it was embarrassing for him as he is a cow. A cow who needs to constantly be milk or else hell be full n stiff all day long.

One day after a full schedule everyone was tired and binnie kinda snapped and was about to be discipline by their eldest members only to for their maknae to realized what was wrong with his hyung.

Binnie didn't mean to be snappy but he was so full of milk and its uncomfortable for him, his chest hurts. He was too embarrassed to ask them for help, afraid of being judged and called ugly for being a cow hybrid who needs to constantly be milk like other female cow breeds.

Changbin cried when he realised what he done to their sunshine lixie, he didn't mean to raised his voice at the young one. Chan and minho looked at him with disappointment didnt really helped his case. His chest hurts so much cuz of the milk and it was getting uncomfortable. He didnt wan to milk it himself again because for a cow hybrid to do that kinda pains them too because its a waste of milk ya kmow...

But before he could think of anything, their maknae kinda jump on him making him fall back on the couch completely off guard.

"hyungieeee you could have just ask us for help"



Jeongin had caught on what was troubling his hyung and seeing how some dark spots had been forming on his hyung's shirt, confirmed his suspicion of his hyung beeing a cow hybrid. (lets just say innie had a babysitter who was a cow hybrid like binnie  n used to u knw feed him n his brother some of their milk since cow hybrids milk is as healthy as cow milk are)

Jeongin proceed to jump his hyung n massaged his tits shocking his hyungs but shocking them even more when changbinnie starts moo-ing.

He lifted his hyung's shirt to see binnie's tits being painfully red and puffy also lactating, he stared at his hyungs eyes asking for permission when the older nodded, he dived in to feed.

The rest stared at them dumbfounded at the discovery and couldnt get their eyes off changbin at how flushed his skin now are and panting heavily at how innie was sucking his milk and massaging the other letting out of of his milk, causing a pain whined at how the milk was wasted.

Jeongin stop sucking for a bit and grinned at his other hyungs whos staring at them jaw dropping and said

"come on hyungieee, one of u come and suck his other tit! Wouldnt want to waste binnie hyungie's milk are we"

"pls- pls dont- dont waste it!" cried binnie when innie continue sucking his milk before crying out loud again when one of the 00 liner decides to join innie.

"bin we'll talk about this later ok for now lets dry up ur milk yeah?"

"ye-yes! Im sor- ah!"



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