Surprised For Skiju💖

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Changbin had always been a good cook... He just pretends to not know how to cook because he always get scolded by his mother and sister as he was always... ALWAYS clumsy and hurt himself far too  much when doing one simple dish.

But of course after years of convincing his mother n sister to train him, he has gotten better with his clumsiness around the kitchen. He would be very alert when he does cook.

Changbin is also very affectionate he likes playing and teasing his members and they all knew he loves them as they are him.

But Changbin felt like it wasnt enough to show them, how serious he was in showing them how he loved them. He always felt like hes just playing with them eventho he when he really do everyone can feel his love towards his members you know. He just has that aura of love and warmth surrounding them.

So one day, he finally makes a decision to show them how he really appreciate them and loves them with all his heart by cooking them their fav dishes.

It will be challenging as it had been a while since he last cooked for someone other than his family and more so he is cooking a storm all alone.

He had phone his mother and sister to help him with the recipes and they worry for his clumsiness would hurt him.

And well true to their worries, he had cuts and burns on his hands making it. His mother and sister sighs at him for his stubborness while changbin just giggle with teary eyes while washing his wounds. Before moving to place everything on the table and cleaning up before his members come back from their schedules.

Surprisingly he only had one early morning session in the studio that dau and the rest free. Which was why he had that impromptu idea of doing this. He had immediately went out to shop for the ingredients after his session was over and quickly comeback to get all ready and start cooking storm.

Changbin was very proud of himself with the foods he had made despites the many cuts and burn marks now on his hands and wrist from his own clumsiness while cooking.

He pout at his very noticeable wound on his hands. No doubt his members would see and worry bout it.

After settling the last of the plates and utensils he grinned and took a pic to send it to his mum and sister which thy replied quickly with encouraging words and his sister saying she would hav book the nearest flight just to eat his food again because it had been that long since she had some. He promised that the next time he had off day and that shes home he would cook for them but of course with their help to lessened the wounds on his hands.

He then send the pic to their group chat telling them to hurry home or the foods will get cold. With a lot of Angry emojis. He laughs when the maknae line began spamming the group chat saying where he get those dishes and that they are definitely nyooming home for food now.

Soon enough they came home 5 minutes before Changbin appeared back after his shower. He was a mess after that cooking storm.

Chan and minho was definitely shook at how many foods were waiting for them on the table, ultimately making their stomachs growl reminding them that they had again skipped their meals that day making changbin stare at them with both hands on his hips.

"you know... Im not even gonna lecture you about this. Come on lets go eat first you can clean up after. The foods are getting cold soon"

The maknaes were jumpong in joy at their fav dishes and immediately taking their places waiting for the 3 eldest to come and join before digging in

Chqngbin was nervous when they start digging in. He was afraid that it didnt match their taste. And he had of course lessened the spiciness in some dishes for the members who couldnt handle spice.

Soon enough everyone erupt in joy at how delicious it was making changbin sighed in relief and at ease looking at them eat while he continued putting away the plates and utensils he had washed just then. When he made his way back to them, they all asked where did they get those foods because as far as they know, their loveable changbin resident dwaekki cant cook to save lives.

Changbin giggled, eyes shining mischievously looking at everyone before answering with a big grin on his face,

"aww thank you Sungie! I cooked them all my self!"

Shocking everyone even more, having hyunjin and Minho choke on the food or water in their mouth. He giggled at their disbelief gazed.

Puffing his cheeks at look at them,

"surprise! Believe it or not i do know how to cook. Im just... Too clumsy to be in the kitchen" he said and show them his hands. Might as well just show it the cuts and burn marks were a bit too big to hide anyway.

Their gaze softened and tinted with worry at the wounds. IN who was the closest to him hold his hands close but not too tight to hurt him. He giggled at the younger.

"well now enjoy uour meal! I'm gonna-"

"oh no u dont! Ur sitting down with us hyung!"

"come on bin, you must be tired after doing all this, ill even fed u" minho said making the younger red as a tomato


Ok i hav no idea hw to continue lamdndmd my mind just goes brrr

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