I finally found you, My love

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Ship ; HyunBin/Changjin

genre : fantasy | vampire!Hyunjin, bloodsinger!Changbin |mates ChangJin

plot : 

Hyunjin has live a long life after being turned by his sire Chan, who was like a father to him. Said man saved him by feeding his blood to him back when he was attack by a rogue vampire in his village. Almost sucking him dry. Altho in Chan's part, he always apologized to Hyunjin for beeing far too late to save him. That he had no choice but to feed him his blood and turned him into one of them. A vampire. 

It took a while to get used to being one but he never blame Chan. He was grateful to the older and he never fail to touch Chan by thanking him everytime he could. Chan's mate and bloodsinger, Felix always laugh at Chan being so flustered after Hyunjin thanking him when he could. 

Now, centuries later, Hyunjin lives an old big castle that he build himself at the other side of the town near the woods. Now on the town's people eyes, they do not know who lives there and only rumours about him being the "old bad and dangerous vampire who drank the bloods of innocents who comes upon his door" spread around the town everywhere. He huffed at the rumours spread. 

They never know how the vampire looks like so they would never expect it to be him, a young beautiful man who is very lovely and always help everyone in the town when in need. The perfect sweetheart for the ladies as they said.

Hyunjin had also roll himself in their town's university because he was bored. Successfully becoming their uni's heartthrob without even trying. The power he holds... 

Anyway, everyone in town always advice their children's to not go into the woods for the vampire will kidnap them and they won't be able to come back. That of course caused Hyunjin to laugh at how ridiculous it was. He would never hurt anyone or even kill unless needed.

Now, imagine his shock and amused at this one human, namely Seo Changbin, his uni's nerd, turning up on his castle's doorstep. 

Changbin was just an average student. well that's what he convinced himself to be. He is his uni's nerd and top 3 student along with his best friend Kim Seungmin. Anyway, just one normal day he was studying in their uni's library, he prayed that the bullies wouldn't disturb him there but of course, the fates says no and here he is being bullied again and dared(more like threathened) to go to the woods and investigate the castle for them. Poor Changbin being scared on his life, only to be shocked by the appearance of their uni's heartthrob and the town's sweetheart. Hwang Hyunjin in the flesh.

"what- how-" Changbin sputtered still not believeing what he had found.

"well well , who do we have here? tresspassing someone's property in the middle of the night"

Changbin was speechless and scared. Hyunjin seemed to notice this, and decides to tease him only for Changbin to panic and hurt himself. 

This caught Hyunjin off guard. Not because Changbin had panic but because Hyunjin had unintentionally found his bloodsinger. His supposed to be mate. 

The scent of Changbin's blood was intoxicating to him. Before he know it, he had lose control and sunk his fang on Changbin's neck causing the younger boy to panic even more and screamed at the pain. He passed out not long after. 

Hyunjin had to forced himself to stop before he harm the younger more when he felt the younger when limp in his arm.

Hyunjin decides to keep the boy in his castle for a while. There was no way he would let his singer go away like that. He rubbed his face after letting the boy sleep in his room.

There's gonna be a lot to explain to the younger. also, he still have to apologize for harming him. losing his control like that, was embarassing enough for Hyunjin who had never lose his control in years before he met Changbin. 

But then again in his defense, Changbin had break in his castle in the middle of the night t=with a camera on hand. 

He really need to teach those bullies a lesson now, now that he had found out Changbin being his singer and mate, he make a silent vow to protect the younger and not let him out of his sight unless need to.


A/N :

HELLO SOMEONE PLEASE I BEG YA PLEASE WRITE THIS UWAAA QAQ i wanna write it but aiyooo even my other fic i do is all halfway and all over the place huhuhu and i'm stuck on them uwaaa :"D

anyway look at this guy uwaaa asdfghjkl; he's so pretty Urgghhh 

this idea was inpire by this asdfghjkl;' the vibe of jinnie being a vampire who had live in the castle fits it asdfghjk; uwaaaa ><

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