57. A Twist of Fate

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He frowned at Jimin as the omega told him about the pup destined to become Arcana's vessel and bring the wrath of the divine spirit upon them.

"We don't intend to hurt the pup" Yoongi spoke with a sigh, looking troubled for the first time that Taehyung could remember "but there is a possibility it might be true...you have to agree that your pup will be different from others, and I don't even know what kind of gifts he might be born with if he is a male omega...so we have to be prepared-" "Prepared? You mean treat my child like an enemy and not my own blood!?" Taehyung was snappy, his wolf on edge to even think anyone meant to harm his child.

"If Arcana could be kept sealed by a spell before...I'm sure it can be done again" Jimin spoke, voice calm as he joined in on the heavy discussion.

"I cannot allow you to do to my child what was done to Jin" the trueblood growled at the suggestion to use sorcery on his pup, and Jimin gulped to himself dropping his eyes to his hands feeling guilty thinking that he might have sounded too cruel to suggest such a thing to be done to an innocent child.

"There is a chance you might lose both of them if we do nothing and let Arcana do as it pleases."

The voice made Taehyung growl within, hairs standing on end as he saw Jungkook enter the room in a slow gait.

"What do you care anyway? Isn't me being miserable what you always wanted to see?"

"I indeed want to see that" Jungkook gave a lazy smile at that.

The room became tense, Yoongi already preparing to stop them from starting yet another fight right in the middle of an important discussion but Jungkook's words stopped him.

"But more than that...I don't want my land to be butchered by the vengeance of a god."

"Tell us what you know Jungkook...and how did you come to know about Arcana?" Yoongi implored, brow crimping as he tried to understand how it all began so that they could find a possible remedy.

Jungkook grew visibly quiet, eyes lowering to gaze at the floor in a daze.

"I read" his voice was a deep hum "I read everything because that was what I was good at."

Jimin watched him with knowing eyes, he had seen Jungkook spending sleepless nights being engrossed in scrolls and manuscripts and volumes of papers that had dog-eared edges due to their age. He could almost see Jungkook remembering the things that he had read, his mind a rumble of long-forgotten myths and valiant tales that had now become mere fables among the people.

"I read the lores and myths of all the five kingdoms...and realised there was an unique link that tied all of them together"

"All five kingdoms?" Yoongi frowned "you mean the lores of every kingdom are linked? How's that even possible?"

"Four of them talk about an invincible enemy" Jungkook informed, a heavy echo of understanding in his voice "and only one speaks of an immortal spirit being born of two infinite powers."

"You really want me to believe that those shitty old fairytales are real?!" Taehyung was beginning to lose his patience.
"Father knew about Eulan's myth."

Jungkook's words sent a shock through all of them, he picked his head up to stare straight at his brother.

"His real intentions were to make you the vessel for the spirit."

Taehyung's anger died a quick death as he too stared back wide-eyed at Jungkook, his voice a hush of confusion "wh-what?"

"I found the plans he had prepared before either of us were even born...he wanted to make the ultimate weapon for Kleon" their gazes remained on each other "but he stopped midway."

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