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"Okay, it all started when I was left on the Hutt's doorstep on Tatooine. Jurga took me in and changed my name to Erlend Hutt because I was a stranger who didn't belong. He raised me as the perfect bounty hunter who would be able secure the Hutt spice trades through fear.

I've done a lot of things that I'm not proud of, I killed for him and I hurt a lot of families. I was alone in that place, abused whenever I messed up and always cast aside. The Nikto, Sevizokt, was Jurga's right hand man and hated me with a passion. He's a little older than me but we both grew up at the palace, he was always treated like royalty whilst I was treated as dirt. So I guess there's always been some resentment there.

     When I was 18, Jurga sent me to Anthan Prime to locate more bounty hunters. That's when I met Nazaga, we quickly became close and as I was desperate to feel some form of love in my life I told them everything about myself. They once asked what the most important thing I owned was and I said the chain that was around my neck when I was abandoned by my parents. The chain that has my real name engraved upon it. So when we went to Anthan Prime a few months ago and I gave it to them it was a promise that I would go back and I will keep the promises I made that day.

Anyway, Naz and I were close and you know how that story ends. When I left Anthan, I was full of self hatred and guilt. Just when I thought I could be loved I went and ruined it. I wasn't allowed back to Tatooine without at least one bounty hunter and I knew time was running out before he thought I deserted. So I came here to Coruscant and found Reeata, I convinced her to come back to Tatooine with me and she did.

      I didn't know much about her but I brought her back to Jurga and he was pleased as we were running low on bounty hunters to keep our spice safe and hunt those who betrayed the Syndicate. Reeata and I went on countless amount of missions together, if anyone deserted we hunted them down and kill them then their families. We were feared throughout the Syndicate, no one dared desert because they knew we would find them.

     Three years passed and we had become closer than ever, I throughly we trusted each other with everything. I definitely trusted her with everything. In turn she told me about the Church of the Sith and how she really agreed with their views and would one day go there and join the war efforts. She never told me how bad it really was, I don't think she ever truly knew. She just told me that her parents were apart of the Church and she wished to go and find them. When I asked her why she hadn't yet she told me that you needed a force user to access the planet the Church was based on. She never told me where it was, hence why we had to go to Naz. Naz knew, they once told me about how they had once gone there with a Jedi friend and they barely escaped with their life. The Jedi friend wasn't so lucky I don't think but I never wanted to pry.

     Anyway a few months ago, shortly after my 21st birthday, Reeata went missing. She was assumed to have deserted and Jurga was furious, Sevizokt beloved I had something to do with it and insisted that he should be the one to track Reeata down. However Jurga instead sent me, he gave me two standard months before he considered me a deserter as well and put a large bounty on my head. I ask not to go, I didn't want to know why she had left me with nothing but tales of some Church. I didn't want to know why she had left like everyone else in my life had.

Of course Jurga sent me anyway and I ended up on Alaspin where I met you. Then you Erin sent me on the journey of a lifetime, you broke me out of my shell and I will be forever thankful. I have searched all my life for some form of love, some attachment that I could cling to that would bring me the comfort I lost when my parents left me. Then you, a Jedi forbidden from making attachments, you brought me more comfort and gave me more love than I ever thought possible.

Naz and Reeata brought me temporary comfort but I feel your comfort wherever I go. You've burned me Erin, you've imprinted upon my soul and I will never be able to remove it.

Somewhere along our journey I fell in love with you Erin. I didn't expect it, I didn't truly realise it until the other day when you asked me on this date. It struck me hard and fast, it knocked me off my feet and sent me swirling around like a whirlwind. Now I know that after what I've just told you, you may not want to stay and I will be okay with that. I cannot make your choice for you and it wouldn't be fair for me to try and sway you either way but I needed you to know everything and now you do." He finishes with a long exhale. I stare at him, digesting everything. Then finally I smile and squeeze his hand comfortingly.

"I'm not going anywhere," I promise. "I will always be with you, even when I'm not by your side. We will go back to Anthan Prime so you can fulfil your promise then we'll head to Zonama Sekot. I'll send Awolia a holo to inform of the changes." I say matter of factly, planning out our next adventure. "Also.... I love you too." I smile widely and lean over to kiss him over the table, our hands still intertwined between us.

-Authors Note-
So yeah....
This was all just dialogue and I'm really sorry but I needed to sort out his backstory for my own peace of mind ahah.

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