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Gracefully, I slide into the padded seat next to the Hutt, the shivers have ceased but my head is still pounding and I'm still not able to breath out my nose properly. I sigh and run a hand through my loose hair that hangs so it strokes the middle of my back.

      Despite the shower I just took, I can still feel the Weequays hands on my body. This will probably turn out to be the worst mistake of my life but anything to get off that planet and back home.

      I'm dressed in clean clothes that were placed upon the bed that the Hutt has designated for me after I finished in the 'fresher. They are feminine clothes and fit me fairly well, a light brown v-cut top clings to my hips and a pair of dark brown leggings are coupled with it. Arm sleeves of the same colour to the trousers are pulled up to my biceps and my lightsaber swings from the belt pulled around my hips.

     "These are nice clothes," I say just trying to start a conversation. "Where did you find them?"

     "Do you really wanna know that?" He looks over and smirks.

      "Ugh," I roll my eyes at him but I'm not exactly surprised. "Just to remind you, do anything to me or double cross me and I will not hesitate to chop you to bits and send you back to the Hutts in a box." My face is joking but my tone is dead serious even though I doubt I would actually do that.

     "Woah chill, what happened to that Jedi calmness?" He asks sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"I don't seem to have much of that at the moment," I run my fingers down my lightsaber needing the feeling of security it brings me.

"Ooh a Jedi that doesn't stick to your ridiculous code, never thought I'd see one." He says leaning back in his chair with a smirk plastered on his face and eyes alight with mischief.

"Have you ever actually met a Jedi bar me?"

"Nope, heard a lot of stories though."

"Stories are just a version of the truth the teller wants you to know, not the reality of it." I point out and lean back in my chair as well. "What's this job you've got then?"

"Someone left the Syndicate and Jurga sent me to go track them down." His tone is bland and controlled as he sits up and begins messes about with the controls. I have no idea what any of them do I've never been good at flying, I've always preferred to have my feet on solid ground but flyings an essential part of being a Jedi nowadays so I've learnt to live with it.

"Jurga sent you? Isn't he apart of the Grand Hutt Council?" I ask unable to stop the confusion that soars through me.

"Yep, let's just say I owe him a favour." I gather from his tone that this is nearing an uncomfortable topic for him so I just turn to the window to watch the swirling colours of blue.

     The silence between us stretches on for a while, I begin to question my decision. It felt like the right thing to do at the time but that was when I was freezing and desperate, now I don't know. I wish Master Nilim was by my side instead, he would know what to do, he always had the answers to my questions. He always knew what to say and do, he was always there when I needed reassurance, he was always there. And now he's not.

Suddenly the Hutt stands up startling me out of my thoughts.

     "I took the liberty of making a file for you, it's got everything you'll need to know about our rogue bounty hunter." He hands over a small brown file inside is a singular piece of paper.

      "Is this it?" I ask bewildered.

      "This isn't like one of your Jedi missions, you just gotta catch the guy there's no long winded explanations on how." He shrugs, "I'll be in my quarters if the ship breaks." With that he walks out of the cockpit leaving me to look over the file. I glance down at the scrawled writing and begin to read:

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