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     The air is thick with tension as the Hutt and Nazaga stare off against each other. The whole bar seems to be holding a breath waiting for the ball to drop.

      "I'm trying to find Reeata Kena," and there it is. A collective gasp passes through the residents of the bar.

"Well then you're on a suicide mission," laughs Nazaga, lips curling up in glee.

"Not necessarily, that's why I have Erin here." He gestures to me with a slight quirk of his lips, "she's gonna help me find her."

"And how exactly is she suppose to do that?" Way to talk about me like I'm not even here. I think awkwardly as I just stand there to the left of the Hutt. Gods I wish I'd just waited outside.

     I remember the Hutts words from earlier, people here aren't exactly fond of Jedi. It doesn't take a genius to know that these people hate the Jedi, it's not uncommon, some believe what we do is all a pile of bantha crap and we are just dictating the way the galaxy should be run. Now that I think about it I kinda understand where they're coming from.

      I pray to the gods that the Hutt isn't about to do what I think he's going to do. If he does then that could, and probably will, backfire horribly.

     "She's gonna to help me get access to the Church." The Hutt says, not what I thought he was going to say but I have a feeling that the lightsaber pressed into my back is about to become very useful.

     "You need a force user to access the Church of the Sith and you know that," the Omwati sneers. "So unless..." It dawns on them then and I know they know. The Omwati turns their sneer towards me and points their blaster at me. "You're a Jedi."

I hesitate, not sure what kind of game the Hutt is playing, and I can feel the intake of breath from the people scattered around the bar. Out of the corner of my eye I can see one civilian reach for his blaster but the Hutt just stays in his relaxed position. I'm sure it's not possible to hate him even more than I do in this moment.

      "You are a fool," Nazaga snarls towards the Hutt not taking their eyes off me. "If you think I'd help you after you've brought a Jedi—" They say it with so much hate it makes me flinch, "—into my bar."

     "Tell me where it is and I'll give you three quarters of the bounty plus I'll buy you a bigger bar in the centre Spire." The Hutt says calmly, the kriffing sleemo is enjoying this.

     Now hatred is a strong emotion to overcome, some would say that it's the strongest, but there are two things that best it. Love and greed. However greed bests love, so what is the strongest emotion? Greed. Greed is mans worst enemy because it takes over all rational thinking and controls the mind so it gets the best possible outcome for itself, not what may or may not be ethically correct. So greed can always be relied on when attempting to prise knowledge out of someone and is therefore in my opinion, the worst emotion.

     However in this particular situation I am thankful that we are so full of greed because the animalistic look in Nazaga's eyes flickers a little as they way up the options. Kill one person and get nowhere or pass on sensitive information and get a bigger bar and profit.

     I know the decision has been made before they even lower their blaster. I know that in the end greed always wins because greed is the strongest and most deadliest of emotions.

"And how do I know you'll keep your word?" The Omwati speaks slowly, still cautious but intrigued at this new offer.

"You don't."

"How reassuring," they roll their eyes.

"Guess your just gonna have to trust me here."

"You know I can't do that," their voice turns hard.

     "Fine." The Hutt pauses and pulls a chain from round his neck that was originally covered by his clothing. "You know what this means to me Naz, I'll leave this here in your care and after I've collected the bounty I'll have to come back to get this back." The chain dangles off his index finger and its silver loops gleam in the light, a square tag is attached to the chain and something is indented into it but I can't make out what. "When I come to get this back, I'll give you your money and if for some reason I don't, you have every reason to put a bullet through my heart."

     The surprise on the Omwati's face is clear but they recover quickly and lower the blaster that was pointed at me, I let out a small breath but don't relax just yet. The Hutt throws the chain and Nazaga catches it effortlessly with one hand.

     "I know you don't trust me but I trust you to look after this for me." Nazaga clutches the chain and looks up at the Hutt.

     "I'll tell you," they say releasing a breath and turning back towards the door they came out of. They gesture for the Hutt to follow and he takes a step before looking back at me.

     "Stay here I'll be back in a sec, Netlin is very nice once you get to know him." He flashes me a smile and I feel the corner of my mouth tug in return, he turns and follows the Omwati through the door that swings closed after he steps through.

     Now I look around, everyone is staring intently into their glasses and I feel very uncomfortable. Everyone here knows what I am, what is hidden beneath my coat. I've never been anywhere where the Jedi are frowned upon so much that being one is the same as being a criminal to these people.

     The bartender is giving me a weary eye and his hand is resting very close to his blaster and I can feel his fear radiating through the force, in fact all of the residents at the bar appear to afraid of something. Of me.

     I suddenly feel very ashamed at who I am, at the power that runs through my veins. These people are afraid of me, a Jedi. The Jedi are protectors of the people... or we should be anyway. When people see us they should know that nothing bad will happen because we will protect them from harm. They shouldn't be fearful of us. It makes me wonder just what the Jedi did to spike fear into these people. I want to say something, to apologise for whatever it is that has happened to make them fear me but I can't find my voice.

      I don't belong here. I should be back at the Jedi temple sparring with Master Nilim. However if I was then I wouldn't know, I wouldn't know that the Jedi are feared so much and therefore aren't doing their job. I would just be that naïve girl who believed the Jedi were saints and everyone looked up to them like they are the gods themselves.

     What we do, we do for the people of this galaxy. To give them a better life. The voice of Master Nilim fills my head, was he lying to me or did he truly believe it? Was he corrupted by the councils lies as well? He was apart of the council. Some part of my brain supplies, I'm so kriffing confused. I don't know what to think, I want to believe what I've been thought to believe but the truth stares me in the face and I cannot ignore it.

      My mouth opens then closes again, the words on the top of my tongue but I can't force them out, thankfully the door swings open at that moment and I almost sigh in relief when the Hutt exits, his face is as passive as ever. He turns to Netlin and sends a nod in his direction.

     "When I come back, me and you are going drinking at that bar in the Centre Spire again."

     "You know it," Netlin smirks in return. The Hutt claps a hand to Netlins shoulder and gives him a small smile before walking the remainder of the bar to where I am waiting by the exit.

     "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost, I know these people can be scary but they're alright." He says to me, tone light and joking. He reaches for the handle of the door next to me.

     "I'm fine," I say shortly and he gives me a funny look. He knows I'm lying but he doesn't need to know why.

      "Cool, lets go then." He swings open the door and turns back to face the bar, "until next time lads! And Naz—" he looks over to the Omwati who I didn't even notice has reentered the room. "I'll be back, I promise." They only give a small nod in return and the Hutt turns and walks back out into the Spire, me trailing after him.

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