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I don't try to fight the shutting of my eyes, I just let myself succumb to devil that still clings to my shoulder, haunting my every move.

     It surprises me to see large cracks in my vision of red. Some of the crevices have fully broken through the whatever is on the other side giving me previews of the horrors that lie past it.

     I can see the Jedi council talking rapidly about something obviously important.

     I can see a woman shrouded in black with a red lightsaber standing menacingly over something.

     I can see a woman on her knees in a cell begging to be released.

     I can see something new, something different. It's a man, woman and little girl. All three of them have deep red skin, the Sith. The young girl sits apart from her parents in a dim room where the fireplace is the only light source. She appears to be playing with a doll whilst her parents sit in silence, staring at the fire.

      "Okay that's enough time for bed," the woman stands and that voice... I know that voice but from where?

      "Ah but mama I won't to play for a few more minutes!" The girl whines.

      "Time for bed, woyunoks."


      "Listen to your mother girl, I thought you'd learned to do as told but apparently not." The father says in a deep voice.

      "Sorry Papa," the girl picks up her dolls and stands to follow her mother.

      "We'll do more lessons on following orders in the morning," the father says as they walk out of the room. Distantly I hear the mother begin to scold the girl for her disobedience and soft sobs echoing around me.

Cracks appear in my vision. Every crevice tells a story, there are so many that I struggle to keep up with them.

I can see the Jedi council, everyone is there present so I already know it's an important meeting.

A young woman stands in the centre, her head down. I can only see the back of her and everyone is staring avidly at her, I can't hear what the woman is saying but judging by the council's faces it's extremely serious.

Master Nilim speaks to Grand Master Moza who then talks to the woman. The woman nods before  turning to leave the room but the image switches again before I can look at her face.

  This time I see the same young red-skinned girl lying on a bed with a red-skinned boy next to her. The boy has short black hair cut in a military style and caramel eyes that seem to glow in the dim light. The girl has long dark hair that stretches unevenly down her back and is dressed in a long dark gown with matching leggings.

       "You know, I've read that Naboo has nice blue skies and lots of colours in the scenery." The girl says a little wistfully as though stuck in a daydream.

"I've read about Naboo as well, it's said to have great hills and lakes." The boy says looking over at the girl, love clearly written upon his face. "We'll have to add it to the list," he says pulling out a small pad along with a pen from under a loose floorboard. He scribbles something down before returning it to its place.

  "I wanted to keep reading about it forever but my father came looking for me." The girl sighs miserably, all hope lost from her face. The boy seems to take note of her misery and turns on his side to face her.

  "Hey, one day we will be free of them and we'll be able to go and explore all those planets." He points in the vague direction of the notebook, the girl turns her head and a smile begins to break through. "Gods, we'll be able to visit every planet!" The boys laughs loudly before clasping his hands over his mouth in shock. The two sit very still for a few moments until deciding no one heard their laughter.

"Oh I hope so! Although, I have got a list of planets we might want to stay away from, from what I've read they aren't very nice like Naboo." The girl says hope edging it's way back into her voice.

"Okay, we'll avoid those planets." The boy smiles happily before looking at the clock on the bedside table then his expression turns to one of annoyance. "I've got to go," he begins to stand.

"Already?" The girls whines, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

  "Wake-up is in an hour."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Always," the boy moves the duvet and the girl snuggles under it with a smile. He bends down a plants a small kiss on her forehead, "dream of those blue skies." He whispers before my vision fades to black.

-Authors Note-
Sorry for the short chapter, I've been extremely busy and my workload is overwhelming at the moment but this is a bit of a filler chapter anyways.

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