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I reach out in the force, searching the many ships for the bright angry signatures of my parents. I pass through every ship and feel my heart become a little lighter when I see that many survived. My squad and I tried to clear the sections where the bombs would explode but it hurts me to say we may have missed a few.

Eventually I find their bright red signatures that gleam angrily and full of hatred. They are in an escape pod circling around the damage. I connect with their signatures and send a message, in Sith, down the newly formed bond.

Macias Nun Sso Stai Kia Qorit Sis - Meet me here to end this.

       I patch through the coordinates that Arden sent me to their escape pod as well as my squads ships. I don't really receive an answer from my parents but the flare of anger, hatred and a burning desire to kill me. I take that as a 'yeah sure Erin we'll meet you there'.

        I begin to fly my TIE towards the planets surface  when I receive a holo from Awolia.

      "I'm heading to the surface now," I say, there's no time for pleasantries.

      "We are split across two ships, one will come down with you whilst the other stays up here to get the hyperdrives back online. Unfortunately it seems as though my ship is staying, I have Jidâs, Cazan, Teeubo and Kalsiu plus a few others. The rest of the squad are with Mazal who are going down with you."

"They don't have to—"

"Yes they do," she says firmly like a mother scolding their child. "Erin you are not going down there without some form of backup, you know your parents will bring some."

"I don't want anyone else to get hurt, not for me."

  "How self-centered can you be? We are not fighting for you, we are fighting for our enslaved families, we are fighting for a better galaxy that isn't run by tyrants! We are fighting so that our children, our grandchildren won't have to! That's what we are fighting for and we are willing to risk our lives for it!"

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, just go kick some Sith ass!"

"Why are you always right?" I sigh looking down at her blueish outline, I miss my second in command already. I can't believe she won't be by my side from now on.

"Just natural talent," she smirks and we fall into silence whilst I continue to navigate the ship towards Zakuul's surface. "But seriously be careful out there, I'll meet you back on Iokath in a few weeks providing everything goes well."

"Yeah, I wish you the best of luck helping get everyone back." I say looking out at the carnage we caused, was there a better way to do this? Probably.

"Jidâs is just waiting for your parents to land before he puts everyone's hyperdrive back online then we'll get the ones in gunships to either go back to Iokath or wherever they wish. The ones in escape pods we will go round and pick up before jumping to hyperspace and we will free the rest on Iokath and by that time you should be back and we can proceed." She says, repeating the plan we have gone over so many times we could do it in our sleep.

All of a sudden Awolia disappears and is promptly replaced my Jidâs, looking nervous.

  "Make sure he stays safe will you?" He asks nervously running a hand through his dark hair. I know who is talking about without having to ask.

"Of course, I won't let him get hurt Jidâs." I promise despite knowing I can't promise that but Jidâs seems to relax considerably at this.

"Thank you, we weren't suppose to get split up but the crowd—" he shudders and looks at me pleadingly. "He has to come back, I need to tell him that I—" sensing his discomfort I nod my head in understanding.

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