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    I decided that as today is our final day here on Coruscant, I would take Arden out for that date. I spent way to long wondering where to go but eventually settled on 79's, a place I only went once with a group of padawans but I was only invited because Master Nilim asked them to invite me so I was left out of the party. I hope going there with Arden will bring happier memories to the place.

     Once we've finished packing everything up, Arden and I headed back to the ship where I told him to get changed and then went into my room to do the same. We mostly sleep together in his room as it's bigger but my room still has all my things in.

Earlier today I realised I didn't have an outfit for a date, why would I need one in the middle of war? So Thulie and I went out shopping in Coruscant Underworld. It was difficult for me to find an outfit because my red skin did not match with any colour dress I tried on besides white. Also this is my first date, I was so secluded from society as a kid and when I was a Jedi they also had me on leash, keeping me close so I wouldn't learn the truth.

Anyway after a quick shower, I apply some light makeup before changing into the dress I finally settled on. It's black with gold patterns decorating the sides and chest, it hugs my frame nicely and stops at my knees. It's a sleeveless dress and the gold goes over my shoulders to the sip at the back. I let my ebony hair down from its usual ponytail and let it curl over my shoulders, I slip on some matching black heels and grab a black cardigan. I check my reflection, my red skin and the black dress make me look more like my mother than I wanted to but whatever this is my night I will not be thinking about my trauma. I glance over myself once more and fix my hair again before grabbing a large purse and slipping some credits and a small blaster in there. This is Coruscant, you never know when you will need it.

After checking my reflection once more, I decide I'm as ready as I'll ever be and walk out of my room calling for Arden. He replies from the passenger lounge and I make my way there, before entering I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for his reaction. I never dress up like this and it's kind of scary.

I go into the passenger lounge where I see Arden sat nervously waiting for me, he is fiddling with something in his hands so I clear my throat hesitantly to get his attention. Time seems to slow as he looks up at me, eyes raking over my body digesting my outfit. He stands and drops whatever it was he was fiddling with.

"You look—" he clears his throat as he gaps at me, struggling for words. "You look hirani, jun ikha." A blush rises tiny cheeks at his words, beautiful my soul.

      "Thank you, you look as charming as ever mah patogga." I smile shyly at him, he walks closer and places his hands on my hips.

       "Erin... I don't know what to say... your beauty leaves me constant awe." He murmurs as he leans down to kiss me softly.

       "Even with the red skin and my weird tendrils?" I ask somewhat insecurely, ever since my red skin has come back I've tried my best to ignore the tendrils over my body but I've never shown this much skin before and my insecurities have begun creeping in.

"Every day when I wake up next to you I am left breathless by your beauty, the colour of your skin does not change how I feel about you. It is a part of who you are and therefore as beautiful as the rest of you." He places a light kiss to my forehead, my cheek, my chin, my nose, the corner of my lip, everywhere. "Before I met you I was missing something, a gap I tried to fill unsuccessfully. Then you came up to me at that bar and started me on this crazy journey and I could not be happier. You complete me Erin, you are the piece of my soul I have been missing all my life."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't tearing up slightly. I throw my arms around his neck and bring him down and press a desperate kiss to his lips.

"Oh Arden, we complete each other. Me and you, until the end of time." I whisper against his lips.

"Until the end of time," he whispers back pressing a last chaste kiss to my lips before moving back. "Now come on, we've got a date to go on."

We take a hired speeder down to 79's, the wind causes knots to tangle in my hair but I don't care because I'm laughing at a joke Arden told and the rest of the galaxy ceases to exist.

Thankfully we find the cantina fairly easy, the bright neon signs are all over Coruscant but this cantina seems to have to biggest and brightest. I cringe, this may not have been the best place for a date now that I think about it. However Coruscant doesn't have many, if any, luxury restaurants or anything like that and besides I think Arden likes it regardless.

79's is located in the side of one of the many skyscrapers, the entrance is in the corner of the skyscraper so Arden parks the speeder by one of the catwalks. We get out of the speeder and walk along a wide pathway to get to the entrance, my hand slides into Arden's and he intertwines our fingers. I can already hear the music blasting from inside and it only gets louder when the doors slide open to allow us to go inside.

Inside there is an assortment of tables and booths that are crowded with people of all different kinds of species. For the first time no one bats an eye at my red skin and that already makes me feel lighter. I'm so happy and content that I completely miss the warning echoing in the force....

We take our seats on the first floor, hidden away in a booth at the back. Arden sits across from me, the menu in his face as he decides what to have. In the background a viewscreen broadcasts some podracing match, and a group of men are gathered around it taking bets on who will win.

I look at my own menu, there isn't much and it's mostly drinks but the food that they do serve here is very nice from what I can remember. After a few moments we've both decided, we're going to have the exact same thing.

"Do we have to go up to the bar to order?" Arden asks me.

"I think so," I say stretching my neck to try and see if there is any waiters coming around.

"That's fine, I can go order." He says standing up and collecting our menus. "I won't be a minute," he goes to leave the booth but a voice stops him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Erlend Hutt."

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