
"Gabi is going to see if Maddox is free and if so, I will bring her round to watch a movie. She is also going to decide if I stay, or take you to mine,"

"Okay, thank you,"

"And am I telling the guys to stay out of Gabi and I's business or you?"

"What did they say?"

"It doesn't matter," I mumbled, "Promise,"

"Gabi was trying to poke fun of what happened before, and they were making us both uncomfortable by trying to dictate how I should feel and what we should do,"

"Oh, I will talk to them. Sorry, both of you,"

"It's okay, they had good intentions but it made us uncomfortable,"

"Of course, I will message once I am home. Text me after work,"

"I will, I love you,"

"I love you too,"

They kissed on the way past, then dad took us back to the car, giving me a blanket once we were in.

On the drive home, I could tell he was trying to formulate something to say, but he couldn't figure it out. Annoyingly, it could've been about anything.

When we got home, Petunia plodded up to me and I stroked her for a while, dad pacing, before sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands.

"Did they really make you uncomfortable?"



"Don't you trust Sierra?"

"Of course I do, but I know she is actually really protective over you and I need to know the right level of anger to be,"

I told him what happened, and he took Petunia from me to cuddle her , pursing his lips. Then, he began to type a message, so I went to the kitchen and got a snack.

It completely wiped me out to walk there and back today.

"Would you like Maddox round?"

"She can't, she has one of her sports I don't know which. Sierra can come though, but I want to stay in my room,"

"That's fine with me, baby steps,"

"I'm tired,"

"Me too. I guess I didn't set good enough boundaries, and I am still recovering from that hospital bed. My back kills. And work are sending me so much,"

"I didn't mean of life, but good luck with that,"

He laughed and then sighed, kissing Petunia's head.

"I am going to go and authorise some things for work, are you okay down here?"

"Yeah, can I see if Julian can come over instead?"

"Of course. Just please make sure he isn't sick,"

He left, so I watched some tv with Petunia for a bit, who ended up falling asleep beside me. I had begged and begged for a dog, so I was so happy when we got her. She never did the tricks I wanted, or jumped around, but she cuddled and was so gentle all the time.

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