"It hurts?" asked the girl earning a denial in response "Okay" 

It was just a checkup like all the others, right? The girl thought... it couldn't be that bad. That thought left as soon as she saw the two nurses who entered the room and she felt her mother's arms abandon her. She quickly held on to her mother's hand but since they were no longer the legal guardians of the little girl they couldn't stay. 

The next few hours were horrible. Listening to the little girl scream, begging not to be touched, crying for help broke them little by little. Hearing her call them and not being able to do anything was the worst. Each scream made a shiver run through their bodies. They had never heard Luna so desperate and for the first time they couldn't do anything 

On the other hand, Luna did not understand why she was being ignored. She wanted her moms and no matter how loud she yelled, they didn't seem to hear her. Every touch made her go back to that moment, to that man's face. Every scream made her whole body vibrate as her throat ached. Until she gave up and her screams where muffled by the sounds of her sobs.

As soon as the procedure was over, the couple was quick to enter the room to find the nine-year-old trying to make her self smaller, hugging her legs. 

"Luna?" the blonde called before walking closer to the girl, not wanting to scare her even more

 "Mom..." Luna was able to let out as she looked up and Maya could see it, the girl was broken... she finally had reached that point were she just couldn't take it anymore 

"I'm here" Maya said walking towards the girl 

"Carina?" a voice said when the brunette was about to follow her wife, making her turn around "Can we talk for a minute?" the social worker said earning a nod from the woman

They both took some distance from the room, wanting to give the firefighter and her daughter some privacy 

"If I'm not mistaken you and your wife spent about a year and a half living with Luna right?" she asked trying to confirm the information she had as the doctor nodded her head "And you are in the process of adopting Emma... Luna's sister?"

"Yes, before she was placed with her father we were looking of adopting them both" she explained as she remembered the events "Emma's adoption process is being a little slow but it is being done" she said 

"I'm glad to hear that" the woman said giving the Italian a light smile "Well Luna, at the moment, is a ward of the state and she is going to need a place to stay" the social worked explained "Because of the situation and seeing how close she is with you two I think the best for her is to stay with you... if you are willing to take her"

"Of course we are" the brunette was quick to say, wanting nothing more than to have both of her daughters with her, but mostly wanting nothing more than to make sure that the nine-year-old was safe 

"Great, I'm going to add that to her file and we will try to contact with her father" she said and Carina felt her stomach clentching at the mention of the man "However, if you are able to get any information about what happened, that could give us a clearer picture on how to proceed from now"

"I will let you know" the brunette said as she gave the woman a quick nod "Thank you" she said before walking off to meet with her wife and her daughter 

When she entered the room, she found Maya sat with a sleeping nine-year-old. The blonde immediately smiled at her wife as she tried to find out what the brunette's face meant. Carina was happy that Luna was going to come back home with her but she couldn't stop thinking about what she could have gone through tonight

"How did everything go?" Maya asked as Carina sat on the little sofa next to the bed, taking her hand in her's

"Well..." Carina started but was quickly cut off by her wife, that couldn't help to think about the worst case scenario 

"And I'm not accepting anything that doesn't involve Luna coming back home" she stated intstinctively pulling Luna a bit closer to her, if possible 

"Maya..." the woman said trying to talk 

"No, I'm done with this" the firefighter said ready to go talk with that social worker and give her a piece of her mind "I don't get it, I can't. The system is so broken... if they don't want to do their job then let the ones who care take over" 

"Bambina" Carina said making Maya finally look at her "Breath" she said chuckling a little "She is coming home with us, she's staying with us while they solve the rest" she said trying to get her wife to calm down 

While they talked Luna slowly started to wake up. She looked around remembering where she was and why she was there. The only thing she could do was press herself more into Maya... she needed her mom's comfort

"Hello there" Carina said softly towards the girl who immediately smiled at the sound of her mamma's voice

"Hi" she said almost as a whisper

"You can sleep a little longer if you want bella" the brunette said noticing how tired the nine-year-old was. She had bags under her eyes, which were puffy because of all the crying from before, and was struggling to keep them open

"I'll stay awake" the girl said not really wanting to waste any of the time she had with her moms "Would you stay here?" the girl asked not wanting to be away from her mothers anymore 

"We are not going anywhere" the firefighter said as she run her fingers through the girl's hair

The girl nodded as she smiled, but suddenly realized there was someone missing 

"Emma?" the girl asked looking at Maya "Where's Emma?" 

"Calm down... she's okay" she answered smiling "Emma's at Travis' house, they are kind of having a sleepover" she said as she let out a chuckle "but you know how is Emma, she's probably just sleeping" the woman said making the girl chuckle as well "She's going to be so happy to see you"

At those words something clicked in the girl's head, making her eyes start to well up with tears as her heart started beating faster 

"I'm going with you?" she asked as the two women nodded, feeling how a lump in their throats formed  

"We wouldn't let you go anywhere else" the brunette said smiling trying to keep her own tears from falling "We are going home"

She was going home 

Our girls (Marina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora