Main parehsan.....

Tehreem was singing not knowing that he was listening her too. They all were gathered in Tehreem's room for dancing and singing. Her heart was beating faster, when her eyes fall on the doorsteps where his shadow was visible. A smile crept on her beautifully painted red lips. Another silent confession from his side that he likes her too.

She got up from her bed and walked out of her room, seeing her coming out he walked in opposite direction but she was following him too. He was walking silently, she was following him impatiently.

He stopped walking, they're now on the vast terrace of Bakht Mansion, he turned around, she walked closer. And then it happened.

He touched her elbow, But, only to hurt her. "How many times I've warned you for the past three months don't come near me!"

"And how many times did i told you. I love you Hadi. And i won't leave you." Tehreem's tone was stern, for a moment he looked at her, she wasn't an eight year old kid anymore but a grown up young maiden. And in that moment he felt something that a man feels for a woman, infatuation. He pushed her away harshly. And walked towards his room.

Sweat droplets were forming on his head, he wiped it with the back of his palm and closed the door of his room.
"Ya Allah! Why?" His whole body was shaking a memory of past hitting him.
"He is a rapist." He was still shaking in fear and tears were rolling down his eyes. He closed his eyes and let the pain sink in him, darkness was clouding around him again, he was helpless again.


"Ammi don't be silly." Hadi was getting annoyed by her mother's childish behaviour. Rahila Begüm, Hadi's mother, was continuously crying and pleading him to stay here in Bakht Mansion, but he shooked his head in a no.

"Ammi you know that I've been here for three months and Abba hasn't talked with me, he didn't even replied to my salam. And everyone here ignores me like I'm some unwanted guest, especially Shaista Chachi. I don't want to stay here anymore. I'm going back." Hadi said firmly packing his last suitcase and then dragging it out of the room.

"Hadi, atleast stay till Mahnur's wedding. She's your younger sister." Rahila Begüm tried again to change his mind, but her face went pale seeing his taunting smile,"You want me to stay for Mahnur's wedding? My so called younger sister, who didn't even bother to met me? Ammi i came back here for you and now I'm going its my final decision."

Rahila Begüm was standing their crying helplessly and Mahnur who went out of her room to show her mother, her henna color, stopped in her tracks. When she saw her elder brother, Syed Hadi Bakht, standing in the corridor holding his luggage. For a moment her heart screamed at her, to stop him from going away. But then a memory flashed in her eyes and her eyes turned venomous. She walked back in her room and Hadi turned around to see Rahila Begüm, he passed her a knowing smile which says, see i told you.

He was dragging his luggage out of the Bakht Mansion, years ago he was leaving like this nobody was their to stop him and now he was leaving again and nobody was their to stop him again. A painful smile passed his lips and he looked one more time at the glorious Bakht Mansion, which hides, deepest darkest Secrets in itself. And then his eyes fall on her, she was standing on the far end of the Terrace looking at him. He sighed and walked back towards his destination.

Once again he was leaving Bakht Mansion and All because of that one young maiden, Syeda Tehreem Bakht.


■ Delhi, 2018

She was signing the grade papers of her students, big glasses framing her honey brown eyes, flicks of her hair touching her button nose and thin lips, disturbing her now and then. She furiously looked at her flicks and then tied all her hair in a tight bun. She was feeling alot comfortable now.

"Now this one is last, then I'm done." She spoke to herself charmingly.

"Tehreem?" Her mother sat beside her, patting her head affectionately.

"Yes Ammi!" She didn't looked at her, still busy in checking the papers.

"Tehreem jaan." This time she looked up and saw her mother crying, she got worried.

"Ammi what happened?"

"Adnan Bhai....he died."

"Ammi what are you saying? Ammi Taya Abbu? Ammi i saw him in the morning he was alright....ammi you're lying right?"

"AMMI!" Tehreem shouted on her mother but it was off no use. Her cryings were telling a different story.

"Ammi did they informed him?" She asked her mother, her face was devoid of any emotion.

"Ammi! Hadi didn't deserved it!"

"Ammi! Hadi didn't deserved it!"

She was crying uncontrollably, for her beloved Taya's death who was the only father figure she has known her whole life. Her father Sanan died when she was only three years old in a car accident and since then her Taya took care of her. He filled the gap of her father in her life. Her heartfelt heavy again. She didn't wanted this.

Adnan Bakht died and nobody informed his son Hadi bakht. Hadi was punished again for no reason.

One promise, destroyed their lives.


Note: Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow. Do let me know your thoughts. ♥️♥️♥️

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