CHAPTER 35: Forever

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Where do I begin? I know where I would LIKE to start off at but I also have quickly come to realize the moment I saw and felt how upset Mara was. So I pulled back a little bit on my pride and started speaking, after Mara and I took a seat across from our parents on the couch while Jakob and the rest of the guys all took a seat in the room.

"I want to start off by apologizing for my abruptness when both Mara, my pack and I left. However, I do not regret things I said. In my defense, not that I need to really explain myself but, after hearing what you all said, I have to admit that I with held a lot of anger and held my wolf and I back from making a possible mistake that would eventually have become a sense of regret."

I had to stop myself for a moment before continuing as I felt anger begin to rise deep within.

"From this moment on, if any of you wish to become a part of our future (rather mine, Mara's or our pack's lives) I suggest we create some rules and boundaries or an understanding, if you will."

"Of course." My father spoke but I gave him a look to let him know I wasn't finished.

"Now, first off, I want to make things clear. That from here on out, NONE of you will ever interfere with our lives like you had, in particularly, with Mara. We all need to be on the same page and not keep things hidden from one another. And as for the council, especially Roman, he is to mind his own business. When I take your place father, things are going to change and new laws are going to be implemented right away." I finish.

They all four look at each other then back at Mara and I with smiles and nod their heads in agreement.

"Agreed." They say in unison.

"Good." I replied.

Throughout the next couple of hours, we all discussed a few things and focused more on the games.

"You do know, Merrick, that Jericho will not play fair." My father mentioned.

"I know that. I'm prepared. What I am concerned mostly about is Mara's safety during the games. We need to make sure that she is protected from Goldwyn, including his mind manipulations." I tell them.

"We already got that covered." Mara's mother says while pulling out a small bottle.

"What is that?" Mara asks her.

"It's a serum. We got it from a very dear friend of ours - a witch. She is one of the best and I'm fact, already knew why we were there." She smiles.

I have nothing against witches personally but do know that in general, serums of theirs can have certain side effects and at times are usually more dangerous than others. However, I could tell that Mara's mother and them are confident in their friend so, I guess I should do the same.

"Okay." I agreed.

Mara right away drank the serum and seemed to have no effect to it other than she stated how bad it tasted.

Moments later, we all decided to go to sleep and Jakob and them were nice enough to offer both mine and Mara's parents the spare beds and we all got some rest.

Before going to bed though, I could sense that Mara was more concerned than I have ever felt from her.

She rolled over onto her side in bed and faced me and we looked into each other's eyes while I placed my hand on the side of her face.

"Baby, please don't be afraid. I don't have a bad feeling about tomorrow." I try and soothe her.

"I know. Deep down I feel the same. But I just want it all to be over with already. I hate waiting. And I know I shouldn't be so worried or upset but, I hate the unknown. The uncertainty on this kind of an outcome. It's scary." She confesses.

"I know. I don't blame you. I too have to confess that there is a part of me that's afraid but, remember what I told you before. That without fear, there could be no courage and that if we dwell on fear, we could miss out on the good things." I remind her.

She smiles at me and I can tell that both her and her wolf feel a bit more at ease as does my wolf and I now do also.

"I love you." She softly whispers.

"I love you more. Forever." I reply.

We lean in and kiss one another before cuddling and then falling asleep in each other's arms.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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