CHAPTER 33: I Love You More Than Life Itself

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I never meant to be gone the rest of the day and be back as late as I am returning to the hotel room right now.

Even though it was a good idea I had left and gone for a great run before staying in this amazing secluded spot in the woods that wasn't too far away from the city line and not too far from the hotel neither.

Regret was all I could think about. I fought back and forth between myself and my wolf as he was.extremely upset on how I reacted towards not just my pack but mainly towards Mara.

I mean, why the hell did I even say something as random as I did?! I felt as though I had no control over my mouth and as the words came spilling out, I felt it was already too late for me to stop myself.

Then to make matters worse, I had shut down the mind link and my wolf can feel at how lonely our mate is and how badly we needed to return and apologize for acting so childish and to understand also that she had every right to call me out the way that she had.

Obviously my first reaction was shock and yet deep down loved the way she called me out like that. Still, even after contemplating for a few hours, I decided to still not return until I had been fully calm and had figured out what right things to say to my pack and her.

Deep down I know that my pack knows me well enough to see how much I can overreact at times but still, I rarely lose my temper like that and even when I do, there are only a small handful that can get me to that point.

Eventually, near I'd say around dinner time, I had thought to return but then while walking down the street and passing so many shops that I would notice while walking by at a glance in the display windows, there were some things I had thought about purchasing for Mara to help let her know I was sorry but then would talk myself out of it-too afraid that she might not like what I picked out.

I really hoped also she wasn't still fuming with me (not that I wouldn't deserve the silent treatment or even a can't-sleep-in-bed-with-her for a while). So eventually I just ended up at a pub that was a couple blocks away from the hotel.

Several beers later and some good hearty meal, I had finally chosen to return back to the hotel with some flowers for Mara.

I could hear the guys even from before getting off the elevator that was located several feet away from the suite and could hear some of the guys shouting like they normally do if they're playing a game or watching a sports game.

Sure enough I was right and the moment I stepped inside, I saw right away that Mara wasn't there and all the guys stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

Moments passed by and neither one of us said anything. They looked to be upset with me and then went back to doing what they were doing.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I acted with you all this morning and I want to apologize for just running out earlier. I needed some fresh air." I explained.

Some looked out the corner of their eyes at me until finally, Jakob broke the awkward silence.

"Come on Alpha. You should know us all better than that. We know how you can get." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah. We're used to seeing you throw a tantrum. It's all good." One of the guys say as he continues playing on the PlayStation.

The rest of the guys nod in agreement and we all begin breaking out into laughter.

Jakob then looks at me and knows who I am looking for. He then smiles and nods towards the bedroom.

I begin to feel my palms become sweaty and I can feel myself becoming more nervous by the second as I walk into the bedroom and as I close the door behind me, I see to my left, through the crack of the door, the sexiest woman I have ever known-naked sunken from the neck down in the bath tub full of bubbles with her eyes closed and head back.

Should I even try to interrupt or should I wait?

While I am busy thinking of what I should do, she opens her eyes and looks over towards me.

"Hey." I tell her with so much guilt in my voice.

"Hi." She smiles.

"I'm really sorry about leaving and what I said to you earlier." I began apologizing. "I didn't mean any of it."

"I know. And I didn't mean to sound controlling or anything. I'm new to this mate thing and actually, being in a relationship. I know I have to work on how I react and have things come across." She apologizes.

We both share a brief moment of awkward silence until I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and then smiled back at her.

"I guess we can both learn things from each other." I tell her.

"I agree." She smiles even more at me now.

"Here. These are for you." I walk towards her and hand her the bouquet of flowers.

"I love them." She says as I kneel down beside the tub and we share a passionate kiss.

"I love you." I tell her.

"And I love you too." She replies.

"Well, I'll let you enjoy your bath and put these in some water." I tell her.

Right as I begin to try and stand up, she stops me and grabs my shirt to keep me in my knees.

"How about we put them into some water later and you join me?" She provocatively suggests. 

She didn't need to ask me twice as I hurried and stood up while placing the flowers onto the counter before quickly removing my clothes and sitting down behind her then having her leans back against my chest and I washed her back as she helped me and for the first time, we both made love in a bath tub. It was awkward at first and might not have been able to even do it in the first place if it wasn't a huge one like it was.

My GOD I love this fucking woman!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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