CHAPTER 21: Bring It

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Right when you think there's a slight chance that the universe doesn't hate you, BAM!! It hits you with bullshit like this.

"Shit!" My father said under his breath after hearing about him. Apparently, Mara's mother explained information that my parents didn't know about him.

That's when I try and bring some reassurance that I can handle this and step up. 

"It'll be alright dad. We have some wolves coming tomorrow, who I am going to train and see if they have what it takes to join my pack." I proudly tell him.

He looked pleased, as he should be, considering he has been waiting for me to take that responsibility and form a pack.

"That's good, son." He smiled. "And as much as I appreciate you doing that, I'm afraid there may not be enough time. I mean, not unless you get lucky enough and are able to find great strong ones tomorrow. As far as training, even if there was enough time to do that, it wouldn't be much." My father explains. 

"We can at least try. Our family is strong." I smile at him. 

"That's right!" My mother agrees and suddenly Jakob, Mara, her mother and Peter along with my other friends all stand around us and smile in agreement that we can do this together. 

<<<<<The Next Morning>>>>>

Maras' parents needed to leave early this morning and left before any one of us even woke up. We said our 'goodbyes' to them last night but still, I know that Mara would have loved them to have stayed longer. 

While getting breakfast for me and Mara to have together in our bed, I could hear in the distance, both of my parents quietly talking to each other in the office with the door opened a tiny bit. 

Now at first, I didn't make anything of it then I overheard them mention Mara's parents along with Mara's real father whose name I heard them say was, Gilroy. 

Suddenly, things go silent and the door opens up where my parents catch me standing a few feet away, catching me. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I apologize. 

"It's alright." My mom tells me. "How much did you hear?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. 

"Not much. However, when you said Mara's real father's name and then mentioned her and her parents, not to mention the tone you both said them in, I am curious as to what is going on." I tell them.

"We promised her parents that we wouldn't tell Mara the real reason they had to leave so early this morning but it involves her father and who he has recruited along with several other things that her mother and Pete were told about that could....." She struggled to say more. She had to stop and collect herself a little before continuing. "That could change everything. Not just for our kind but EVERYONE."

I knew better than to pry to get more information from them because I know that by the look in both of their eyes right now, I knew that there was a good reason they weren't telling me and that if it was absolutely necessary for me to know things, they would tell me and Mara.

It took me a couple of moments before I was about to say something but then we heard Mara's voice as she walked towards me. My parents and I just smiled at her and I greeted her with a kiss as I do every morning. 

"Did I interrupt anything?" She asks. 

"Not at all." I shook my head. 

My parents both excused themselves and left for the day and after Mara and I finished breakfast. Once everyone else was awake, we all prepared ourselves for the arrival of wolves I hope are good enough to recruit to join our pack and like my father said, that don't have much training we would need to do and have the stamina as well that we are looking for. 

Word had gotten around faster than I had thought and a lot of wolves showed up. There had to have been at least, a couple hundred. In which that isn't bad considering how short of notice it was. 

Although, I'm sure once they heard who was asking to recruit, they didn't hesitate.  I had Mara come and observe as well since she will become soon enough, Luna of our pack, and is just as important to have be a part of this as it is for me, Jakob, and my other friends. 

We began the process early in the morning and after hours passed by, once we were done, it was nearly dinner time. 

There were a lot of worthy people who I could accept to join our pack but there were several others who seemed to be better than the rest. I am more than happy with the ones we chose and explained to them that they will have to share bedrooms in the house since there were only several rooms with bunk beds in them unlike the rest of us who each have our own bedrooms. 

Just thinking about having my own pack and knowing that they'll be staying in a few of the guest rooms reminds me of when I was little and would always look inside the rooms knowing that one day, that was where my pack would stay whenever we came to visit. 

It's a huge deal to have your own pack at a younger age that despite being late in the game with it, I know I will be a great Alpha and win the Alpha Games and no matter what we are all about to go up against soon with either the councilmen and or Mara's real father, Gilroy, they all will know as will others, that it's a mistake to ever try and challenge me and my family. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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