CHAPTER 31: I Don't Care Anymore!

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The next morning after making us breakfast and serving her it in bed, we talked about everything and all in what happened because I could tell how much guilt she was still feeling.

Then throughout the next few days of being at the cabin, we seemed to have thought up of a few ideas in how to handle certain things such as what to do with Goldwyn, Roman and Jericho.

The moment we returned back to the house, we spoke with everybody and we had a nice big dinner with her mother and Peter. It was a great reunion and we all seemed to end up on the same page afterwards.

Time was running out and it felt as though within a blink of an eye, the Alpha Games were only a couple days away now.

I was ready. I was MORE than ready. I was able to focus on preparing myself even more throughout these last several days thanks to I guess, Roman keeping Goldwyn busy and all.

Today however, nobody expected to have a surprise visit......

After my father answered the door and let the person in, I was infuriated and wasn't sure if whether or not I would be able to control myself. Even with Mara beside me trying to calm me down, it was hard. He had some fucking nerve coming here.

I could tell right away by the worried look upon his face that he was expecting mercy but if that is even remotely true then he has come to the wrong place.

"What the hell are you doing here?! You've got some fucking nerve." I stated to Roman.

"Hear him out son." My father tells me.

I snapped my attention to him for a brief moment in surprise and shock.

"Why should I?! He has betrayed us all. Nearly got my mate killed, not to mention me." I reminded them both.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. Not do I expect you to even understand what I had done. I do have to explain myself though. And you can both hate me forever but I swear, things got out of hand and weren't supposed to go the way they had. So please, let me explain." Roman states.

I did not get right away him saying that things didn't go the way they should have until moments later.

"And why is that?! You think whatever you have to say will get you sympathy from me?!" I asked through gritted teeth.

"No. Of course not. Now, there isn't much time, but I do want you to know that your father and I, we have been having to pretend and act a certain way so that there would never be any suspicion for our plan to work." He begins.

"What plan?" I asked half curious and half just wanting to hurry him up.

"The plan was to trap Goldwyn. We have tried for many years to convince him to come and that I would even help him by giving him certain access to archives and such so that he would agree and believe that I would betray my council and he would have the opportunity to come and try and take over."

I looked back and forth between him and my father a few times before back at my father.

"But you told me...." I started to remind my father in what he said about Roman and what all he had shown me in the book at the  place we went to the same day that Mara was kidnapped.

"I know. It wasn't easy not being able to tell you the truth of everything. However, because you and Mara had the mindlink and being mates and all, I couldn't risk losing you too." My father says.

Losing me too? What does he mean? Then I notice his eyes tearing up and my mother tearing up as well although she avoids looking at me. Somehow, I knew what he meant.

"You knew?!" I struggled to say. "You knew Mara would be taken by Goldwyn?" I asked.

I couldn't believe it and could tell that Mara was surprised and seemed to be getting upset too.

"Son, please...." My father started to plead until I stopped him.

"You have no right to ever call me your son again." I painfully tell him before snapping back at Roman. "And as for you. FUCK the title. What you both have done to trap Mara's biological father, and how you fucking USED her-put her through hell, I can NEVER forgive any of you! I will NEVER trust any of you again!" I snapped at them all towards the end.

Now there was silence and I quickly mindlinked Jakob and the rest of my pack along with Mara as I took her hand and we all left without saying another word to any of them.

We all took off to the nearest hotel and stayed in the biggest suite they had on the top floor where we ended up staying and I had decided to stay there until I figured out what I was going to do next.

Nothing mattered right now but Mara and my pack. They too voiced their opinions and frustrations and all explained right away that none of them had any idea in what was going on and I believed them all.

In fact, right now I don't even want to talk about it. I really just want to go to sleep and start figuring shit out tomorrow.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

The Alpha GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora