CHAPTER 34: What Is Yet To Come.....

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After Merrick and I had talked things out last night and discussed our next course of actions with everything, the guys were all beyond excited as was I.

We all were thrilled after hearing Merrick tell us he was officially going to be playing in the Alpha Games and sure enough, this morning, we were notified that the Alpha Games were happening the day after tomorrow and that time was up. It felt like the time had passed by so fast and I know that is mostly due to the fact of what all has happened in between. 

We thought there was still some time but obviously not and now that the games have been changed to a sooner time, things were going to become a bit more chaotic.

Jericho and Goldwyn had apparently sent someone to tell us.

I still was fearful about the whole idea and even though I know Merrick can beat Jericho and is more than capable of winning, there would still be the matter of dealing with my father.

Call me paranoid or whatever you want but I have a bad feeling about all of this.

Despite what has happened between our families a couple days ago now, I have to admit that I miss my mother and Peter. Don't get me wrong, I still am upset with them but I can't help but miss them.

Merrick and I both knew we would run into our parents at the games and both decided we would play things by ear, since he too confessed he missed his parents and had felt he probably should have heard them all out instead of walking out.

However, we can't worry about any of that right now. Merrick explained to me that he mentally has to prepare for the games and doesn't have enough time to think about that at the moment.

Today was the first time things felt awkward. None of us needed to use our mindlink abilities to know what we all were thinking about.

I for one though, did not want to sit around and ponder on the next coming of days. So I suggested maybe we could try to get our minds off of everything, even if it was for tonight. Therefore, we had decided to go out and see a movie and have a good decent meal.

We didn't go anywhere fancy and seeing as to how we didn't have many things to wear, we went out to grab a few outfits to last us a few days and especially, had something for tonight.

After we all had returned back to the hotel and got ourselves ready, we next headed out, a few hours later.

The movie wasn't too bad and then afterwards while we started walking around a little bit until we found a place to eat at that sounded good, we eventually found a nice little Italian place and headed inside.

The ambience was very nice and looked to be as though they would serve authentic Italian dishes, seeing as to how the murals on the walls were of places from Italy and some family photos hung up. Then there was the smell of the delicious food I could sense. Then come to find out, the servers all had Italian accents.

Throughout dinner, we started drinking some wine and enjoying the moment as we talked about things we have had happen to us in our lives - including some embarrassing childhood stories I was listening from Jakob tell about Merrick and vice versa.

I never want this night to end. But reality doesn't allow that nor does the universe.

Once we had returned back to the hotel, the moment we opened up the door and took a step inside, our laughter and high positive spirits were immediately dampened the moment we noticed both my parents and Merrick's were sitting on the couches, waiting for us.

We all froze into place and it seemed as though we all were speechless and waiting for the other person to break the awkward silence, but it took a moment or two.

"Son." Merrick's mother started.

"What are you all doing here?! And how the hell did you know where we were?!" Merrick demanded.

I gently squeezed his hand before mindlinking him to take it easy. It takes him a moment but eventually he does.

"Merrick, we don't expect any of you to understand why we did what we did. You also may never believe us in the fact that we did everything to try and protect you both. We have acknowledged that we failed." I heard Peter begin explaining.

"We know it may take time for you both in particular, to forgive us. However, we wanted to come by and tell you both how sorry we are and that we all love you so much. I hope one day we can move past all of this and even though things will never be the same as they were before. We wish you, Merrick, good luck at the games. We will be there watching and supporting you."

The second he finished the entire room went silent again and this time, you couldn't even hear anyone breathing.

I wanted nothing more than to break down and cry as I ran up to both my parents to hug them and tell them that I love.and forgive them and would love nothing more than to move on but then there was my mate. I needed to see how he felt.

We both look at one another and I hadn't realized there were tears beginning to fall down from my face until Merrick looked at me with empathy and guilt while wiping the tears away then letting out a sigh.

Next, he nodded his head and then looked back at them and took in a deep breath before letting it out.

"We need to talk." He tells them.

I was a bit relieved but also, I felt at the same time as though the things we were going to discuss was going to be a bit uncomfortable, yet, necessary.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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