CHAPTER 29: Tomorrow's A New Day

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I was hoping if returning back to the house before Mara had woken up and surprise her with some things I had bought for her and was going to even surprise her with having her parents greet her and have breakfast with us all.

However, the moment her mom, Peter and I returned and walked inside, my mom greeted us worried.

"What is it?!" I asked fearing the worst.

"She's gone again." My mom says.

"WHAT?!" All three of us yelled.

"What the hell do you mean?" I demanded.

"Don't worry." Jakob quickly ran in behind them both towards us. "She ran off into the woods to go for a run. She knows everything now." He explains.

What the fuck?! I can't even trust my own family or friends to keep their mouths shut.

"I specifically asked you all not to tell her anything until it was time." I said through gritted teeth with clenched fists.

"I'm sorry but, honey she felt terrible and well, I didn't tell her what you were doing or anything." My mom tried to explain.

"FUCK!" I shouted before punching my fist through the wall.

"Alpha, I know she's alright. I had sent a couple of the guys to follow her and they just mindlinked me telling me she is about five miles into the woods from our back." Jakob reassures me and her parents.

I take in a few deep breaths and then let it out until I finally calm down.

"Fine. I'm going to go get her. But you all need to wait here for us to return. We'll be back after a few days." I tell them.

"Wait. We want to see her too." Mara's mother exclaims.

"And I want her to see you both as well. However, just a couple more miles from her location is a secluded cabin of ours. Nobody will find us there and I need to spend a few days with her first. Help her heal. I can feel pain grow in my chest right now. And she needs me. I promise to mindlink you all and let you know what's going on and when we are on our way back here." I promise them.

Her mother cried but nodded her head in agreement. Then Peter and my parents all did the same as did Jakob and I told him to talk to the guys he sent to leave after they hear me coming closer and he nodded his head as well.

Next I began to take off as fast as I could and while passing the guys that had gone to make sure she was okay, I heard one of them tell me that she fell asleep after crying.

It broke mine and my wolf's heart to hear that she cried so hard and so much to the point she fell asleep.

When I arrived and saw her curled up in a fetal position still asleep, I quickly bent down as I walked up to her, then I picked her up bridal style and began carrying her as I walked us both to the cabin that my family has had for years and where I would go to a lot to eat my head and get away from bullshit.

My god, her arms around my neck as she snuggles more into my arms and her head on my chest. I love this woman so much and am never letting her out of my site again no matter what.

The moment we had gotten there, I had gone inside and carried her to the bedroom where I laid her down and stood there admiring her beauty and feeling guilty that I allowed her to feel bad.

Jakob quickly had mindlinked me and told me that he had just left some groceries on the porch for us to have and already was heading back to the house.

I thanked him and told him to tell her parents and everybody that she is okay. She is sleeping.

After putting the stuff away, I decided to let her continue to rest and hesitated while going back and forth in my mind if whether or not I should go in there and lay beside her so when she awoke, she would see me there.

Fuck it! I'm heading in. My wolf and I have missed her and have longed to be with her. So I get up and quietly begin to open the bedroom door after locking the front door to the place then made my way over towards the bed where I carefully and quietly began to lay down, facing her as she was facing me on her side now. I am in love with her so much. I will make sure to never be in need again.

Not much longer after laying down, I fell asleep too with my arm around her waist and as I pulled her in closer, I felt her snuggle up more against me without waking up still and then fell asleep.

Tomorrow is a brand new day for the both of us and really, for everyone. Better times are coming for us all. The future will be changed forever and even if I make some more enemies along the way from here on out to add to my list, so be it. I will not back down and when Jericho and I meet again at the Alpha Games, I will not hesitate or hold back. He will feel my wrath and once and for all, find out what a true and REAL Alpha is.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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