"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry this is really tough. Would you like me to take a look? We might need to go back to the hospital and see about some more medicine,"

"I don't wanna stay there again,"

"I know, but they might want you to have some more antibiotics,"

"I just got home,"

"I know," he said, gently feeling my head, "Let me take a look,"

He went and washed his hands, then gently pulled the dressing up and sighed.

"It looks a little bit red,"

"Am I rejecting it?"

"Hopefully not, you might just be having a hard time healing. I think we should go and get it checked out,"

"You have to stay,"

"I will. Eat up while I see if I can get hold of Calum or Sierra,"

Miserably, I ate some of the fruit, but I didn't feel too good so I stopped. Then, he came in with an extra blanket and climbed over me, sitting the other side of the bed, before wrapping it round our shoulders.

"Sierra has space after her surgery, so we can watch some TV in the meantime,"


"She said it's probably because you've been moving around, and I think I am in a bit of trouble for taking you to the cafe,"


"Just incase anyone was sick,"

"Oh. I wanted the soup, not you,"

I leant into him and cuddled as we watched tv, nodding off to sleep every so often before waking myself up.

After a while, he made me take all my medicine, then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Honestly, I couldn't be bothered to change, so I didn't, and dad took me downstairs.

"The cleaner is coming soon, do you want them to clean your room or is everything in a convenient place for you right now?"

"Please can they leave my room, I think the smell of it will make me puke today,"

"I will let them know. Do I need to take a sick bowl?"


"Okay. Are your shoes too tight?"

"Dad, it's okay,"

He grabbed two bottles of water then I got in my wheelchair, going out to the car. Once I was inside, I put my phone into the aux and began to play music, which he turned down as we began to drive.

I hadn't actually seen my own car yet because we hadn't had chance to pick it up, but dad was going this weekend so I was going to see of Maddox could stay. Perhaps all my friends, but that was a push. Even though dad was pretty lenient about people coming over, my friends were a lot.

Then again, he was being protective over me and was keen to make me extra happy right now, so maybe I could convince him.

We arrived at the hospital and he took me inside, heading to the waiting room; it was quite full to be honest, and I was still on the paediatric ward, so it was noisy too.

Dad held hands with me and I smiled at him, even though I felt nauseous, but thankfully Sierra called us in just a moment later.

"Sorry I didn't get chance to see you this morning!"

"It's okay. You do now,"

"I do. So your incision is sore?"


"Can I take a look?"

Dad helped me on the bed and I laid back, waiting as she took my temperature.

"That's pretty normal, let's have a look,"

"Be careful,"

"I will be,"

Once the dressing was removed, she gave the incision site a clean and then carefully felt round, twisting her lip.

"I think you're just reacting to the dressing. I will get some blood tests done though,"

"You're kidding,"


"My dressing? That's is?"


"Oh, okay then,"

"The blood test will let me know,"


"Better to be safe than sorry, you need regular blood tests anyway, that's why you've still got your catheter,"

"Oh yeah,"

She changed my dressing then took my vitals and drew blood, before sending us up to dad's office to wait.

He let me sit at his desk chair and I used his laptop for tv, meanwhile he fell asleep on the sofa and snored loudly.

I did feel bad that I had kept him up all night, then busy all day. However, I was still struggling a lot so I really needed him .

Incase anyone came in, I let the guys know he was asleep.



"And Mike. Come outside,"

"I can't be bothered,"

"Come for lunch with us,"

Calum came in and got my wheelchair, then waited for me to get in. When I didn't move, he pulled dad's chair from under the desk and rolled me over, so I grumbled and sat in the wheelchair.

They took me to the canteen and had me choose food, then we found Sierra and another girl at a table. Michael was quick to sit beside her, so I assumed it was Crystal.

Calum put me next to Sierra, and he knew what he was doing.

"What did you go for?"


"Nice. I checked your labs and it seems good, you can go home. However I would suggest staying there, and not having too many visitors,"

"So you can't visit? Yay,"

"Gabi," Calum said, tilting his head, "Come on now,"

"It's fine, it was a joke. I think?" Sierra said, smiling when I nodded, "See,"

"I hope it was. If your dad's girlfriend can't visit then neither can yours,"

"Not how it works,"

"It so is," Michael grinned, "Especially when Sierra will be the one giving her a lift,"

"My girlfriend and dad's girlfriend is different, maybe I don't want dad snogging infront of me just to earn my girlfriend coming over,"

"We won't snog... infront of you,"

I knew everyone was poking fun at it all, but I could feel my cheeks begin to burn up and I wasn't hungry anymore.

I was trying my best to embrace Sierra, but no one was letting me do it at my own pace. I got their point, if I could have a visitor then so could dad, but Calum had turned it into a lecture, and that was Ashton's job, if anyones.

"I um, I am gonna go and tell dad we can go home,"

"No, stay and eat,"

Calum put his hand on my arm and I pulled it back, taking a sharp breath.

"I'm not hungry anymore,"

"You're not walking,"

"I will take her," Sierra said, "Come on, bring your food and we will go and wake dad up. I am sure he will be happy to see us,"

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