Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic

Start from the beginning

Nakano was walking into the gym, wearing the colorful braces her teammates had given her for her birthday.  Her smile was wide and beaming and just a little sassy as she looked her team over.

There was a long, breathless moment where no one moved.

When it did come, it came from Nishinoya.  "OUR ANGEL IS BACK!!!" he cried, making a beeline for the blue-eyed setter who seemed to be bracing herself for the onslaught.

Soon, virtually the entire team, including Kiyoko and Yachi, were dogpiling on to Nakano, cheering and laughing.  It wasn't long before they toppled her over, landing together in a heap on the floor.  Only Tsukishima held back, watching the group and softly shaking his head.

When things at last began to settle down, and the laughter became a bit less raucous, Tsukishima walked forward into the mass of bodies.  Stepping carefully over his teammates, tapping one or two of them to get them to move aside, Tsukki made his way at last to Nakano, offering her a hand and helping her to her feet.

She stood, her dazzling blue eyes meeting his golden honey ones.  Her smile was still just as bright, but now it had overtones of warmth and affection rather than sass.  Tsukishima looked at the girl, love radiating from his gaze.  "Welcome back," he said, before wrapping his arms around the girl and kissing her intensely.

"Woo-" began Tanaka, but before the sound could gain much volume, Sugawara slapped a hand over his mouth to muzzle him.  "Don't ruin the moment," the silver-haired boy whispered to his teammate as he watched the couple kiss.  Indeed, it seemed the rest of the team agreed, as they all just sort of sat in place around the couple, watching them in a rare display of affection on the court.  

The entire team basked in the moment, watching as the pair broke their kiss and just stood embracing, foreheads touching.  "Isn't it romantic, Kageyama?" Hinata said softly to the setter beside him, "They never do stuff like this at practice!"

"Well, I'm glad to hear that my daughter isn't usually this much of a disruptive influence," Nakano's father drawled, humor coloring his tone as he leaned casually against the gym doors, watching as the boys began to scramble to their feet at the sound of his voice.

"Dad," Nakano drawled out, turning to face her father.  Daichi was already bowing low towards the gentleman.  "Ogawa-san," the dark-haired captain intoned, "Welcome.  Thank you so much for bringing Nakano to practice today, and for all your support of our team.  It's an honor to meet you, sir.  Please, allow me to introduce..."

Ogawa Tanjiro laughed richly, clapping Daichi on the shoulder as the boy stood up.  "No need, Daichi-kun, I watched your game against Shiratorizawa, and Nakano has told me a great deal about all of you.  I'm quite certain I can name each of you without any help at all."  He looked the team over as they all smiled at him.  "Of course I already know Kei-kun and Tobio-kun," the tall blonde gentleman moved to Kageyama, clapping him on the shoulder as he had done to Daichi.  "Good to see you again, Tobio.  And I met Hinata-kun the other evening as well.  The other two first years are Yamaguchi and Yachi," he continued, pointing each of them out.  "Your jump floats are very good, young man, I'm looking forward to seeing some of them today."  

Yamaguchi blushed gently under the elder Ogawa's gaze.  "Y-yes sir, thank you," the freckle-faced boy stammered out.

Nakano's father proceeded to correctly name all the other members of the team, coming at last to Asahi.  "And this," he said, with a broad smile, "is your ace, the Chiba-san of your team, Azumane Asahi."

"Chiba-san, sir?" Asahi asked as Tsukishima smothered a chuckle.

"I think Chiba-san is a lot more like Bokuto-san than Asahi-san," Tsukishima said quietly.

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