Not Fair

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rafe's pov:

i woke up with y/n on top of me. i didn't mind at all. i gently rubbed her back. "y/n" i whispered. "mhm?"
she hummed softly. she was so cute.

"you are so cute." she just pulled herself on me more. "i don't wanna move" i said. "me either" she spoke softly again.

i did sit up which made her sit up . she still had her arms wrapped around my neck as her head was in my neck.

"we need a date." i said. "well it's the 12th of may... maybe tomorrow?" she said it so bluntly i don't think she was joking. i chuckled. "how about august?"

she softly nodded her head. i still find it so hot how she was only wearing an oversized tee .. and her thighs were showing. that reminded me about the hickeys on her. i gently grabbed her neck and pulled her off be a bit.

"they aren't to bad..." i said as i kissed over the bruise softly. i then kissed her cheek. then her forehead and then her lips. which made her smile.

she finally opened her eyes and i saw those pretty Y/E/C eyes.

"they better not be bad." she spoke again. "they aren't... i wish they were tho, find it hot."

she chuckled. "Do you have to go to work today..." i put my hands on her face "yeah... but we have midsummers coming up..." she snuggled into my hand. "you don't have to go... or can u at least go in late"

"i can't be late, but if i get it done then i can get off early, we can go do something.." i held eye contact with her.

"okay." she pulled me in to kiss her. I brushed my tongue on her lip as she allows my tongue to go in. "i want a baby." i whispered as we broke the kiss for a split second. "not right now." she hushed me up again by kissing me but more with passion.

"why not now." i breathed into her. she hummed a no threw the kiss. "eventually, okay. Not now." she said.


it's 2:00 and i just got off work. I'm going to take y/n golfing with the others. "hey guys!" i said as we all met up and the golf. "wassap bro" kelce said too me giving me a bro hug. "y/n!" he said greeting her. "hey k"

i said hey to topper and she did the same. "you've played before y/n?" kelce said practice the aim. "uhm.. few times.." she chuckled. "of course i have! Im a kook, what kook doesn't play?"

she then stood up and got in the position. "no no flat feet. and hands like this.." i said rushing to her and i got behind her to show her the right format. I guided her to hit and lucky it made it in. "mhm" i hear topper hum to himself.

"thanks." she said looking at me. "im just a bit rusted." she added on. "yeah sure sure." kelce said stepping up the the format. He lined up the club a few times and looked around at us 3.

"im sure i can make it in without rafe.." i then rush to him. "you sure?!" i playfully say going behind him and wrapping my hands on his. "stop rafe!" kelce said in a girly voice.

"that's not fair!" topper said pointing his hand to me and kelce. "i better get this treatment to!!" i laughed. y/n got my phone out a took a picture. "adorable." she said. "only because im in it." i whispered to kelce .

"rafe man stop." he said as i "helped" him get the Ball in the score. "your welcome!" i said pressing a kiss on his cheek. "eww!! the fuck!!" he wiped it off. i laughed .

"my turn!" topper said pulling my hand to him. "no that's not fair he is mine guys!!" y/n said pulling me to her. she grabbed my forearm as her side was pressed to my stomach. She was facing topper. "I want him to ... teach me!!" topper said. "no."

he sighed. "i'll buy you a drink?" he Bribed her. she looked at him up and down and she looked at kelce and he shrugged. "fine." she let go off me and he pulled me. I gave him the same treatment as the other 2.

"that was a great day guys!" y/n said as we walked to the car. "yeah it was... only fun part was rafe kissing me!" kelce said falling in my arms dramatically. "well i won so i no complaints!" topper said putting his hands in the air as he walked backwards.

All of the sudden a cop car passes us with the siren on. "i wonder what's up..." i said. "let's find out?" kelce said. we all rushed to the jeep.

I opened in the back with kelce. "come on Top you gotta stay on them." y/n said putting her seat belt on. He sped up. "you don't think it was one of your guys rafe?" she asked me..

"no and if it is as i am gonna fucking killing then."

I put my head threw the huge window on the roof . kelce did the same. "im going as fast as i can y/n." topper says. "wait wait slow down.." kelce yelled so top could hear him.

we stopped the car and y/n immediately got out. "Shoupe?" she said as he got out the car. "you shouldn't be here. All of you go home." he said looking at the 4 of us. y/n didn't listen and she went to the crime scene.

"oh my god..." she said as she covers her mouth. i come up behind her looking where she was. "It- it's barry.." she whispered. "y/n.." i say to her. "stay here." i look her in the eye as she looks in fear. "Stay here."

i go to him. i look at him. I feel her become aside me. "no no.." she whispered. She bent to his face. "he's breathing.. barely." she said as she checked his pulse. "Shoupe!" i yell. "he OD." she then said .

"okay you kids go home. We have to take him to the hospital. "shoupe-" he stoped her before anything else. "i'll call you when he is in the hospital. Go home."

i had to pull y/n away.

favorite crime / p2 to "my treasure" - RC Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat