a little too much spice

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Everyone came over for dinner. It was there 3rd visit in the new house. i didn't cook anything only because We were gonna go out to eat and then possibly come back to the house.

"wait can we please go to a bar!" JJ whined as we all sat in the limo. "no j . You'll end up drinking at the restaurant anyway." kie was not having it with him.

"actually i wouldn't mind going to a bar" i said shrugging it off. "i second that" my sad said putting his finger in the air.

"okay then we will go to the bar" Sarah said smiling. Her and John b made up but JB and ward sure hadn't.

we got to the restaurant and we took our sits.

"y'all excited for the masquerade ball?" i turned my head to wards direction. "yes i'm very excited!" Kie said looking at the menu.

i looked around. "masquerade ball?" My mom looked at me confused. "it's a new thing ObX is doing. it's probably gonna be packed with tourists."

i hummed looking back down at the menu. "hey guys!!"

oh my god. Steph is here. "hey steph." barry said sarcastically. "mind if i join?" she asked looking at me. "just sit." ward said sighing in irritation.

we didn't want to make a scene at such a nice restaurant. "i Hope you brought money." rose said snatching her head to the end of the table.

steph started to dig around in her purse. "ah shit i left it." to be honest i don't even think she ever owned a credit card. "oh never mind i have a 20." she said smiling.

"good cuz we weren't gonna pay for you." i heard my dad say under his breath. that made me smile a bit.

"i like living this kook life" john b said fixing his collar. "i like it too feels.... New" jj said agreeing with john b.

"i'll take y'all's menus and bring out food and drinks" the waiter said. she was a nice looking girl. "thanks" i said to her handing the menus to her.

she walked off and i turned to rafe who was looking at me . "what?" i asked smiling. "nothing" he said smiling then looking away. "mhmm..." i knew i was on to something.


We were at the bar and we all kinda split up into groups. Kelce, topper, barry, rafe and me were together .

john b, sarah, kie, Pope, jj, and cleo were also together and the others were together.

More so kooks hanging out kooks and Vice versa .

i was drunk only because i felt like getting Drunk. i walked over to sarah who was getting more drinks. She wasn't drunk.

"it's so dry!" she said to me. "there ain't any drama...

i nodded my head agreeing with her. there needed to be some drama. "okay well what should we do?" as i asked she turned her full attention to me.

she raised her eyebrows and smirked. "oh... i like what your thinking.."

She put the drinks back on the table and she grabbed my hand she lead me to the Dance floor filled with others.

"just dance. And if any one comes over here don't give attention." i nodded my head as we both moved to the beat.

the club we were at was filled with mafia. downstairs was a Gamble area just for them. We dance there for maybe 5 minutes before 3 men approached us.

mafia men of course. looked like one was the leader and the other 2 were lost puppies. "Now what we have here?"the leader said rubbing his hands.

"Yummy little treats.." the other one said. "keep going" sarah mumbled too me. "no sarah we should stop." i mumbled back. eventually we stopped.

"how about you girls come to my place?" the leader said. Okay i think i was sober now. "no thanks we are good here" i said looking around the room. "ooo no one tells you no leo" the side kick said to the leader.

Leo must've been his Name. "just leave us alone" sarah said. See this was a bad idea. "no you both will come with me , i'm not asking again."

once we didn't answer he grabbed our Wrists but we managed to get out of the grip. The pack leader looks Furious. "everything good over here?" another man said. He looked oddly similar to leo. brothers?

"No. these little skanks won't listen" leo said. "They could be useful brother"

leo raised his gun in the air and fired it. The music, the talking, the shuffling of people dancing all went silent.

"So sorry to cut short but these Pretty little ladies aren't listening." Leo yelled so everyone could hear.

i looked at sarah and she looked at me. I then looked around to see everyone in the bar weren't normal people. they all were mafias .

"oh im sorry you mean this two ladies?"

i heard rafe's voice yell walking over to us. "well you see these ladies are off limits."

one of the sidekicks Scoffed "what so they both yours?"

rafe tilted his head a little. "well one of them." Leo nodded his head many times. "what about the other? She up for dibs?"

Rafe shook his head and he eyes someone behind the enemy's. i looked so see Val Standing behind blending in with the Crowed.

i looked to my left to see Topper on the 2nd floor with a gun. Rafe had his arm around my waist and once i saw The enemy's armed and our friends armed a Griped rafes forearm.

favorite crime / p2 to "my treasure" - RC Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz