advice giving

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"y/n what should i do?" i sat at the kitchen table as pope passed around worried. i sighed.. i didn't really know what to tell him. "you love her, right?" he nodded his head so fast like he was a kid begging for candy.

"i love her so much.. but-" i didn't allow him to finish talking because i knew the next think he was gonna say was " but she doesn't love me back" which was false.

"tell her that!" i said it a tad bit loud but no one was home. my parents were out of town till sunday and rafe was working. "i know she loves you. She does. I think you both have a fear of rejection..." he signed putting his hands on the counter and he stretched his arms out.

If you hadn't catchup on what we were talking about then i'll fill you in . Pope loves cleo and we all know she does too. But they got in a fight 2 days ago and i guess pope couldn't take it anymore so he came to me
for advice.

"i just...." he paused for a minute glancing out the window. "i just can't loose her." i nodded my head. i think in a way pope and cleo's love reminds me of the love rafe and i have for each other. "pope. You need to go get her. she's your Girlfriend and you both adore each other. you can't loose her and neither can she. Tell her how much you love and need her."

he nodded his head. "i like the encouragement conversation we just had." i laughed as he closed the front door.


a few hours later i got a call from pope. of course i was gonna pick it up. "hey?" i said over the phone. "ahh kthank you so much y/n. Your the best person i know!!! Ah thank you so much." i laughed a bit. "no problem rockstar." i heard him chuckle then he hung the phone up.

for the rest of the day i deep cleaned the house. i called the maid and told her to not come in and id pay her double what my parents gave her. i cleaned my room, Giant bath and closet. i had a walk in closet and my bathroom had a big shower that filled almost a quarter of the room. it was a step in shower but you didn't have to step in you could just walk. And i also had a bath tub. In the middle of my walk in closet i had a Counter with all my jewelry. It was save to say i was Spoiled. but i appreciated it all. it was 7:30 and dark out. I ordered Chipotle and facetimes Kie because she was bored and she wanted to call me.

i propped her up and sat down eating while talking to her. "hey y/n!" she said over the phone. She also was eating dinner.

i gasped. "are we on a date???!!" i was being so extra.
she smiled "omg yes we are! i'm so nervous..." her tone was one that someone on a date would sound like.

i just laughed. "so what's new?" i looked down at my rice that i orders. I grabbed the fork and ate some as she spoke. "Convincing my parents to not let go to boarding school." i hummed . "you know rafe knew... I was apparently the only one who didn't know... But yes you should convince them. and if they don't buy it then i will have to come down there and do it myself!"

she gasped. "y/n! wait okay that's plan b. if they don't buy me talking with them... then when the day comes we will get the others to make them not let me go. if that backfires then you do it!"

maybe she was right... maybe if i talked to them they would let her stay.. she had to stay. "your right.."

she ate a few bits then my phone Dinged . i picked my phone up looking at the text. "i miss you babyyy ❤️" was what my phone said. Ah rafe missing me?! so sentimental. " i miss you so much more 1 more hour! that's all! 💞" i replayed back leaving the message apps going back to Facetime.

"mhm you know what?" "what?" i replied back to kie. we really should go out to Wards Cabin? We went like years ago before any of us were dating... and it be fun."

i chuckled. "do you hit realize how Long it is to get there??"... "Long i know.. but it's worth it." she shrugged throw the phone. "You can talk to the others about it kie... if you go before your supposed to leave for boarding school then you might cheat your way out of it.."

she nodded her head. "mhmm your right ok talk later bye!" she hung up.

I didn't really eat much so i put it back in the fridge.

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