medical ?

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"I ... i don't know anymore sarah... Sometimes i want to live a normal life. One without the consent overwhelming crushing fear something terrible is about to happen. or a life where guns aren't around me"

i was in my room with sarah. i always talked to her about this because she knows what it's like.

"that's why i left so young. I found john b.. and i didn't worry about it. It's harder for you because you aren't in it but your are. Of course you would be. Your the girlfriend of the most powerful mafia in the world. Every man wants to be him. Every girl what's to be with him." ... sarah was right.

there was a knock at the door. The door opened to be rafe. "sarah.. do you mind?" she shook her head. "please" she whispered to him as she left. she closed the door .

I sat on the couch in the living room we had in our room. he sat beside me but left room between us. We weren't the ones fighting.

"Uh... john b once to take us all on the boat.. tomorrow." i said FINALLY breaking the silence. "yeah i heard..." he paused . "did you want to go out?"

i shrugged slightly. "doesn't really matter to me...."

is it bad to say i want to cry.? not about him. he was fine i didn't hate him or i wasn't mad at him. but at every thing else? from kai to never having a regular life.

"are you okay?" he asked looking at me. "im fine." blankly i answered. "no you aren't. Talk to me y/n"

he rushed over to me bending down on one knee. He grabbed my hands. "You have no idea the power you hold over me."

i didn't answer him. I knew what i had to him. He was the scariest mafia boss in the world and i am his. He could have killed me the 1st day we met but he didn't.

"And i'm just so tired. Physical and mentally ...."

i could tell he gave me a confused look. "you go threw withdraw. You use to do coke rafe and i never really told anyone but when you and i hated each other... i hated my self too."

"y/n what do you mean?" he had a slight irritation in his tone. "remember the night you called me at 3 in the morning ? The time when you wanted me to help you jump pope? well before that ... i tried to dis myself."

Before i could blink he picked me up and sat in my spot. he placed me on his lap and hugged me so tight.

I started to cry a bit. "i just dumped my shit on you." rafe said stroking my back. "but see if you didn't... i would have died."

"No matter what is too happen... We should do it together. If kai comes then let him. Like you said rafe... There is nothing keeping us here."

he squeezed me a bit tighter.


i wake up and see rafe not in the room. i was asleep on the couch in our room. it was the same day but it was 8 pm. Santos was laying beside me. "where's rafe?" i said petting the dog.

"good afternoon soon to be mrs. cameron ! rafe is downstairs. Santos cameron has been fed." the intercom said

i smiled a bit. "mhmm... well he sounds busy santos... imma just lay her a bit longer."

i slowly drift off to sleep again with santos be side me.

i wake back up 20 minutes later. it was 8:20 and rafe was in a meeting so i just laid there. i don't know why but i'm so tired.

i got up and went to the closet. i On a hoodie and walked down stairs. Passing so many rooms on the way. Some of the mafia workers there would so "hi" or you know being nice.

I walked past rafe's office... Seeing blood on the floor with workers around cleaning it. It trailed off into the basement door. "Fuckin idiots" i whispered walking past.

"why is there blood on the floor?" i asked the others when i walked into the living room. "holy shit y/n you missed it!" JJ was beginning to say excitedly.

" so basically some dude got jumped by rafe. Guess deal didn't go right or something.." Kie told me calmly.

"but it was so crazy all u could hear was it." Pope was now joining in. Barry comes walking in breathless.

" holy fuck" he breathed out. "That punk ass bitch got some nerve" He sighed once more. "i don't know but y'all are giving me a headache" i said walking to the medical cabinet.

i grabbed a water from the fridge. Our fridge was huge. For no reason, and it was filled up. "here" i said handing Barry a water. "thanks"

Damon and ward rush in we all just look at them. "wow y'all are so nice." My father said sarcastically. "i assume you both need medical attention?"

Ward and Damon just looked at me. "Go down the hall , take a left. Then a right and other right . First door on the left is the medical room" I gave them directions.

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