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i was wearing some black and white shorts with a yellow crop top. We were at the restaurant and we were having a good time. We then went to the beach and I was running for my life.

rafe was chasing me. "Y/n put the hoodie on now it's getting cold!" he yelled from a few feet behind me.

i laughed as i was loosing my paste. "OKAY OKAY!" i said stopping. He handed me the hoodie as i put it on.

"there happy?" i said too him. "very." i gave him a look as he hugged my lower waist. i put my arms around his neck. i leaned back to look at him.

"why did you bring me here?" he just smiled. "i'll get it out of you mr. Cameron." i said as walked off. i went down to the sand were the water mets.

i drew a star on the sand. The water brushed it away.

i looked over at rafe who was standing in the same place as before looking at me. "stop!" i said laughing as i walked back to him. i jumped on his back as he walked back to the others who weren't that far from us.

"y/n! come do a cartwheel!" Cleo yelled to me. When we got to the others i got off rafe and did a cartwheel. "what else can you do?" sarah asked me as she sat on the sand.

"back hand spring?" i said. "do it!!"
she said hyping me up. i did it perfectly.

i was in gymnastics for quiet some time. "or a front Ariel walkover?" i said as i did it. "holy fuck" topper said. "who you not break your back?" he was so shocked.

I then sat beside sarah as cleo and kie were with them. "i hate the sand" kie was saying as i sat down. "me too it just gets everywhere" cleo then said taking some in her hand then letting it fall out.

the sun was setting and the wind was getting colder. Which is i guess why Rafe wanted me to put a hoodie on but im not too entirely sure.

"im going to look for some shells" i said getting up. i went back to where the sand was damped and i searched for some shells i found some really good and bad ones.

i then went over to some dry sand and found some more.


"does she always spend 30 years looking for shells?" Sarah asked as she looked y/ns way. she was a good few away.

"yes she would spend a whole day at the beach . walking. finding shells." katherine said. Kinda shocked me how much she loves the beach.

"I don't do the beach." barry said as he was shaking his hands from the sand. i chuckled because he was having issues with the sand .

I looked back up and y/n was even farther. I didn't like her being too far. She doesn't know her way around this beach. "At least we have some nice ASMR" kelce said as he looked up at the sky.

sarah turned her head to kelce "i assume you mean the sea?" he looked at her. "yeah."

"i mean the beach is pogue area. Not this one of course but surfing is our thing you richies are more into golfing" John b said as a statement.

I shook my head. Once i looked the opposite direction i saw y/n walking back. she had shells in her arms . so many of them. "mom, dad. Look how many shells i got." she said letting them fall to the sand.

"wow y/n!" damon said as he glanced at the shells. "there are so many more down there"

i wonder why she loved shells so much. "damn y/n how you carry all those" barry said as he looked over at the shells.

"with her go go gadget arms" Jj said throwing his arms in the air. Pope pulled them back down. "embarrassing" he whispered.

"you guys are so extra" topper stated as he put his head down. "Don't wonder to far out okay?"

He nodded her head at her dad. "be careful y/n" ward said as she turned away. "Always am" she yelled back

i mean she was... right?

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