"Can I meet your boyfriend?" Jellybean asked, her facing beaming.

"We'll see" I sighed. "Oh. And just no more playing G&G, okay?" I added.

"Why is everyone so freaked out about it?" Jellybean asked with a laugh. I pulled a box of cereal out of the cupboard as she spoke. "It's just pretend quests and costumes"

"Who was in costume?" Asked Jughead as he walked in.

"Well, Ricky had those ears, and I had a crown...and the Gargoyle King, of course" Jellybean said. I raised an eyebrow as Jughead glanced at me.

"Wait, you met the Gargoyle King?" I asked her.

"Like, in person?" Asked Jughead. "What happened?"

"He gave me and Ricky a quest" Jellybean answered.

"You talked to him?" I questioned. "What did he say?"

"That I couldn't enter the Kingdom. Not until I had the Gospel. That was our next quest" Jellybean responded. Jughead listened intrigued.

"The Gospel" He repeated. "What's the Gospel?"

"I don't know" Jellybean shrugged. "We never found it"

"Interesting" I sighed as I sipped my coffee.

"But Ricky said that the Gospel's where the Gargoyle King keeps all his secrets" Jellybean added.

Both me and Jughead gave each other the same look. What was the Gospel?


"I'm so glad we don't have to deal with Kurtz and his shit anymore" I sighed as I tugged Sweet Pea into the student lounge. He followed with a smirk as we turned to the group before us. That group was the core four, Archie, Veronica, Jughead and Betty.

"Whats with all the glum looks?" I asked as I leaned against the couch Archie was sat on.

"The prison bus that Betty's dad was on exploded and now Betty thinks her dad survived" Veronica informed me.

"It can't be a coincidence" Betty spoke up. "He asked for the transfer, and then his bus burst into flames? He planned it. He used me to escape, and now he's out there" Betty was clearly in distress.

"Betty, I was with you" Veronica spoke softly to calm her best friend. "I saw what was left of that bus. Nobody could've survived that"

"Yeah, but if he did-" Betty trailed off.

"If he did" Jughead started, pulling his arm around her. "You've got me"

"And the serpents" I added.

"Plus Archie and his fight-club buddies" Jughead added on.

"You have a variety of people to protect you" I smiled. "He can't get to you"

"Also, you can move back in with me, Nat and my dad. It's been a lot quieter since my moms been gone" Jughead offered.

"I'm sorry she left, guys" Betty sighed.

"Hows JB doing after all this?" Archie asked.

"Shockingly well" I shrug.

"And she's filled in some key blanks. Apparently, there's a Gospel of the Gargoyle King out there somewhere. Could be important" Jughead said, looking around at us all.

"Sorry to interrupt your no doubt thrilling catch-up, chums" spoke the familiar voice of Cheryl Blossom. "But, as you know, junior prom is this weekend. The theme is Fire and Ice, and, naturally, Toni and I are campaigning to be the most captivating prom queens this schools ever seen. So it goes without saying, vote Choni for co-monarchs because, when you really think about it, no other options make sense"

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