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The Beginning of an Old Romance

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The Beginning of an Old Romance


Taehyung looked up at Jungkook after he was done with his confession. His eyes were moist. They were still in the restaurant at Hotel Conrad. He'd told him everything. All the details of his 'detour' with Min Yoongi. They were still holding hands.

'I know it's my fault,' Taehyung said, 'and I will respect whatever you decide now, but if possible please stay.' The words choked him. Jungkook didn't speak. He withdrew his hand and took a sip of his wine. Taehyung understood he wasn't in the mood to eat any more. Nor was he. He called for the bill, paid it and they left.

They drove quietly, till Jungkook asked him to stop the car on a deserted road. They were inside Seoul University There was nobody around. He reclined his seat and lay back, looking at the moon through the sunroof. Taehyung followed suit

'The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?' Jungkook asked. His voice was almost a whisper.

Taehyung nodded.

'Do you think the moon looks this beautiful every night?'

'No.' Taehyung replied.

'And when it doesn't do the stars give up on the moon?' Jungkook asked

Taehyung understood what he was hinting at. He grasped his hand, Jungkook felt his body shudder. It was obvious he was crying. He knew he had been forgiven and he wouldn't be losing the only thing that mattered in his life.

'I'm sorry, Jungkook. I really am. You know, when I was depressed after some of my entrepreneurial ventures flopped, you showed faith in me I was completely lost then. I didn't know if I had it in me any more. But you gave me strength,'

There was silence

'Marriage is often misunderstood as the destination. It's a long, long walk, Taehyung. And all we can do is hold on to each other's vices as long as they don't challenge our virtues.' 

'I agree.'

'Sometimes it's better to be in a relationship after knowing it may not be there forever, for it makes you respect and care for it more,' he said.

Taehyung took his hand and kissed it. Jungkook felt his warm tears on his hand but didn't react.

I crossed your heart, husband, now it's time for you to take my name. Only your husband's name, forever .

Jungkook thought and smiled.

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