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Whom are we left with now?' Jimin asked as Taehyung took a U-turn and drove off from Yoongi's lane. He didn't reply to him immediately. As his car hit the main road, he said, 'Only Ryle Davis is left.'


'But when you were there the last time,' Taehyung asked, changing gears, 'did you feel like Hanuel was preparing to shift?'

Jimin thought for some time and then said, 'I don't think I saw anything which could be a clue. But then generally people either sell off their stuff or just let it be in the flat, perhaps cover it all up, before shifting to another continent.'

Jimin had a point. Neither he nor Taehyung spoke for the rest of the way to Jimin's apartment.

'If you want I can somehow get in touch with Ryle.' Jimin said as he got out of the car.

'Thank you so much, Jimin. I already feel guilty for making you a part of all this,' Taehyung said.

'Why don't you see it this way? I'm a part of this because I was supposed to be a part of this.'

'You are a kind soul,' Taehyung said.
'Thank you. Just being myself.'

'The most difficult thing to do anyway.'

'Before we digress, should I ...'

'Not now. Let me see. I can get Ryle's address, but I'm not sure if it's safe to ask Ryle about Yoongi. If he has killed him, he will be on the alert.'


'Let me think it out a bit,' Taehyung said.

'Sure. And take care. You look a bit. ..' he paused as if searching for the right word and said, 'tired.' Taehyung gave him a tight smile and drove away. He was indeed tired of being lost in this labyrinth. When he came to know Yoongi had possibly been murdered, he thought he would get to the bottom of it and try his best to bring the one responsible to justice. But he wasn't ready for the information he unravelled during the investigation. It was like deconstructing an idol which he had already made. And in the process, something within him was also breaking, altering, transforming.

Jimin had guessed right. A part of him was tired. Tired of the pain he carried in his heart since Yoongi went away. Perhaps he wouldn't have questioned the foundation of that pain if Yoongi's other side, the one he was unaware of till now, had remained a secret. He had checked his Instagram, had talked to his supposed lovers, but nobody had mentioned him. Even Kristina knew about Ryle but not about him. A person doesn't discuss his or her intimate relationships with a third person under two conditions: one, the relationship is not that important; second, it is too important and intimate to share with a third person. The consolation prize for Taehyung was that Yoongi would have actually 'disappeared' with him, had he not postponed the plan. But he wondered if that had something to do with his death. Did his husband come to know? Did he kill him and make it look like an accident because he couldn't take the betrayal? Why else would he not file a police complaint? Was it because getting involved with the police was a hassle and it wouldn't bring his husband back? But there was something called recompense as well. Taehyung was overwhelmed by the unending questions and banged his head against the bedpost out of frustration.

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