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The next morning. Taehyung ran into Jimin in the elevator itself. Neither spoke much. The embarrassment was mutual. He'd told Taehyung the most guarded secret of his life and yet he didn't know what it was exactly. Taehyung was in a dilemma. Should he apologize or ask him what it was that he saw when he stripped? If he wasn't willing to share, he wouldn't have stripped. Meanwhile, Jimin was thinking he should let him know about Ryle's call at least. But people kept coming in and going out of the elevator, leaving little room for a conversation. Their eyes met a couple of times but they could only exchange awkward smiles.

Later, Jimin was checking with Taehyung's PA about his schedule so he didn't upset his routine, when he received a message from him

'Could you please come into my cabin?'

Instead of replying, he simply walked over to him. He found him pacing the room. As he entered and took a seat, he loo took his.

'I don't know if a sorry would suffice but I'm nevertheless sorry,' he said. His pitch was low. Jimin understood he should get the personal thing sorted first before mentioning Ryle's call.

'You don't have to be sorry. But I want to clarify that I wasn't trying to sleep with you. Maybe it was on my mind initially but ... ' Jimin couldn't control himself as his voice choked. He quickly took out tissue paper from a box kept on the desk and dabbed his eyes.

'I don't know what happened yesterday. I respect you. Especially for the way you have gone out of your way to help me. And if you want to share anything, let me tell you I'm all ears,' Taehyung said, pushing a glass of water towards him.

Jimin took a sip and, keeping the glass on the table, said, My husband divorced me after I was diagnosed with breast cancer three years back. I had to undergo a mastectomy but there were complications, hence the reconstruction of my breasts was postponed. Remember I told you I met Daehyun's wife at a clinic where he had gone for implants? I go there for my check-ups. The doctor has assured me that things will be all right. There's hope. That's what he feels. And I'm a cancer survivor.'

There was silence. Taehyung didn't know if he should say something. He felt relieved when he heard Jimin continue.

My husband remarried within six months of our divorce. I used to be bitter about it before. But not any more. Everyone has the right to choose how they spend their life. And that choice may not always be in sync with what you want. I have always felt my beauty is a curse because people don't see beyond it. This feeling has become stronger since my divorce. They don't see my scars. They don't see me. I hate my beauty. It's like that light which blinds people from seeing the darkness. When I met you, I didn't see lust in your eyes. That was a welcome change. There was this visceral attraction I felt for you. I wanted to be involved with you. Not in a sexual way. I wanted to have a relationship with you where I could experience real love, care and respect. I knew you were married. But I also knew you were in a long-distance marriage. These things can't be hidden even if you don't talk about them. I thought if I gave you signals, you would take the first step. I thought sex could be an icebreaker for what I was seeking emotionally with you. I'm sorry for that. I know you understood those signals and yet remained quiet. While I kept pursuing you like a moron. Trust me, I've never done that in my life. But guess what, helping you in your quest gave me something to hold on to. Drinking together, shopping, cooking for you... in my own way, I thought I was still worthy of someone. The divorce had really made me question that. Doesn't matter what people say, hope alone isn't enough. We all need some physical manifestation of hope as well. You are that manifestation for me.'

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