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Curiosity was one thing, but Taehyung couldn't expose himself to something that was possibly dangerous. He had no idea where this was going. It was a possibility that Yoongi had been killed.

It was a case of homicide and the police could get involved at some point. Or maybe whoever did it already had the authorities in their pockets. As a serial entrepreneur, Taehyung had seen enough to know how things worked in this country. A couple of years ago, one of his childhood friends, David, had sent a message on their school group to tell them that their friend Ryan was no more.

Though Taehyung hadn't been in touch with Ryan, there was a time in school when they were pretty thick. He had immediately called David to know the details.

Ryan had been killed in an accident. He and his friends were standing at a bus stop at 2 a.m., casually chit-chatting, when a BMW ran into them. All four died on the spot. The driver was the son of a real estate tycoon based in Seoul. He was driving under the influence.

The police came and an FIR was lodged against the boy as there was evidence in the form of CCTV footage, which clearly showed that Ryan and his friends were just standing at the bus stop when the BMW rammed into them. Two days later, the CCTV footage disappeared, The real estate tycoon had bought it for two crore rupees.

It was proven that one of his servants was behind the wheel. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. In return, the tycoon had promised to take care of his family.

This incident had deeply affected Taehyung, and because it had happened with someone he knew, the story had stayed with him for a long time. In a country where protectors of the law are underpaid and greed is more lucrative than morality, money becomes the ultimate god and brings out the worst in people.

After much thought, Taehyung decided to let the truth be. The fact was he was in love with Yoongi. And now he was dead. If his husband wasn't interested in the truth, why was he?

That evening, Taehyung decided to not play their conversations on his woofers like he had done every other night. But it had become a compulsive habit by now. He spoke to Jungkook to divert his mind but the burning itch urged him to listen to the conversations again.

He connected his phone to the speakers and went to the balcony, lighting a cigarette in the process. He had turned the volume up and opened all the windows so the flat reverberated with their voices. His instinct told him it was there in his voice--the authenticity of her love for him. There was no tinge of fakeness.

He had a sudden thought. What if Yoongi was in love with him alone? What if he really wanted to disappear with him, like they'd planned, but someone killed him before a it happened?

How easily he had decided to not pursue the matter just because there was a chance of him being exposed, exposed in front of whom? Jungkook? He would anyway have dumped him if Yoongi hadn't postponed their plan.

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