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I KnowEvery Life's A MovieWe Got Different Stars And StoriesWe Got Different Nights And MorningsOur Scenarios Ain't Just Boring

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I Know
Every Life's A Movie
We Got Different Stars And Stories
We Got Different Nights And Mornings
Our Scenarios Ain't Just Boring

-Kim Namjoon


Though Taehyung had visited Jimin's place a few nights ago, it then. Now when he entered, like a highly anticipated guest, he was welcomed with a warm embrace, which, in Taehyung's opinion, needn't have been so intimate. Jimin wasn't dressed up like the other night. He was in his pyjamas but Taehyung couldn't help but notice how figure-hugging the pair was.

'I thought we could keep it casual tonight,' he said.

'Your party, your rules,' Taehyung said and settled down on the couch.

He noticed there were a lot of wind chimes and elements of feng shui all around. There were very few pieces of furniture, which made the space look bigger than it was. He also noticed light fittings of all shapes and sizes dangling from the ceiling. There were more designer ones on the walls. Not all of them were on, but one could easily tell that Jimin had a thing for lights.

'I like mood lighting. I put them on according to my mood so that I don't feel lonely,' he said, noticing the look of curiosity on his face.

Taehyung smiled at him, amazed at how people always found ways to associate life with inanimate objects. Lonely people, he corrected himself.

After a few minutes of more small talk, Taehyung felt restless. He wasn't here only because Jimin had shared the recording with him, as the deal had been initially,

After Taehyung had heard the recording multiple times careful to not miss out any detail, he was sure Kim Namjoon knew Yoongi personally. And now he wanted to know more. Especially since Namjoon was talking about him in the recording as well.

The next day, Taehyung had asked Jimin if he could also invite Namjoon over for dinner. Jimin had looked a bit surprised. He could have met Namjoon somewhere else, but he wanted Jimin to be around because he didn't want to arouse any suspicion. Jimin had taken a few seconds to think and then beamed. With that, Taehyung knew that there would be more meetings.

'Fine with me. I'll invite Namjoon for dinner, but he will drink. I know he likes to.'

'Even though he's a gym trainer?'

'When the alcohol is free...' Jimin clarified.

'Hmm. Sounds good then.'

'Yes. You can get whatever information you want from him. But if I do this for you, you have to take me shopping on Sunday.'

There! The fact that Jimin didn't even put it as a question or a request told Taehyung that the formality they had initially maintained given their professional relationship was a thing of the past. He had agreed.

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