𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 55

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After Porco announced Y/n was alive and Reiner had met her, Pieck was stood their frozen, staring at them both, not knowing whether what she heard was true or not. Both Reiner and Porco looked at each and frowned.

"Where is she?!" Pieck spoke up as she held Reiner's shoulders, catching him off guard

"How is she?! Did you speak to her?! Did she remember you?!" Pieck shook Reiner's shoulder spewing so many questions at him

"Oi Pieck! Came down..." Porco sighed as he sat her down on the chair

"What do you mean calm down?! Pokko, how can I stay calm....do you know how much I missed her?!" Pieck yelled, tears threatening to come out of her eyes
taking the boys by surprise by her sudden voice change

"She's not doing well at all Pieck.....we were ordered to bring back the coordinate....me and Bertoldt lost our memories about Y/n and we totally fuxked up everything.....we were so engrossed in our stupid mission....it was then when I got my memories back, I realised how much pain we've put Y/n in" Reiner frowned as he closed his eyes in frustration

"Marley is already out to attack the Island, this war is going to start between us and them...." Reiner added as he held his head in pain

"Not only has Y/n got the coordinate, she has the supreme as well, we don't know how powerful that is....this fight is going to be hell for us all" Reiner announced

Pieck listened to Reiner with wide eyes as she tried to comprehend what he just told her. Pieck closed her eyes in frustration as she hung her head low

*painful chuckle*

"So in the end.... We're going up against Y/n, considering she has been living in the walls all this time...?" Pieck spoke up quietly as she lifted her head

"Y/n doesn't remember anything, I'm scared when she remembers everything....I mean I wouldn't blame her....we abandoned her...." Reiner let out a painful chuckle as a tear escaped his eye

"I'm sick of everything....As much as I want to fix things with Y/n....I don't think she'll ever let us" Reiner added

"If Y/n fights us, then we have to fight back, there is nothing we can do about this shitty situation" Porco shook his head in defeat as he walked out

"REINER!! That Titan was spotted at the port, it destroyed the port!!" Someone yelled as they stood at the door, causing all their eyes to widen

Reiner, Pieck and Porco all ran over to the port. Commander Magath was also there with Zeke staring at the destruction in front of them. Reiner made his way over and looked around gritting his teeth.

"You finally remember huh Reiner?" Zeke made his way over as he looked at Reiner, causing Reiner's eyes to widen

"How do you know about Y/n?!" Reiner asked shocked

"Porco and Pieck would always be mentioning her name. So they told me what happened when you all were young....but how I recognised Y/n back at Shiganshina was because of a photograph Porco showed me, even though you all were young back then....It was easy to recognise her" Zeke sighed as he looked ahead

"She's started her attack on Marley....soon we'll all go to war with Paradis Island...." Zeke patted Reiner's shoulder

"Before then, we must find out about the supreme and decipher exactly how powerful it really is...she has the Founder as well, so this won't be an easy battle" Zeke added as he made his way back to Commander Magath

Pieck and Porco walked over to Reiner. All three of them sat down in the edge of the docks looking ahead.

"Y/n is really out for us now" Porco let out a painful chuckle

"It's our fault to begin with Pokko" Pieck frowned as she looked down

"Pokko....You started calling me that because Y/n called me that...I hated it at first but I just got used to it...." Porco smiled as he wiped his tear

"Guess what Pieck....our little Y/n has a boyfriend, his name is Eren" Porco added as he looked at Pieck, causing her eyes to widen slightly

"She has a boyfriend...? I'm happy for her" Pieck had a small smile of her face as she looked ahead

"What is Eren like Reiner?" Pieck asked as she looked at Reiner, causing Reiner to look over at her

"He loves Y/n more than anything....he cherishes her so much....Y/n is his life" Reiner had a sad smile plastered on his face

"As long as Y/n is safe with the person she loves, then I'm happy too" Pieck smiled as she wiped her tear

"But....Y/n is in Marley now....Who knows where she is...." Pieck now added as she stared ahead

"We have no choice, but to go ahead with this war" Reiner sighed as he got up and walked off

"Y/n and Eren are still our enemies" Reiner added, causing Pieck's and Porco's eyes to widen

"Enemies huh....I guess so..." Porco let out a tired chuckle as he closed his eyes

"I wonder if Y/n will give us a chance to explain everything....She's been through so much ever since we met her back then...." Porco frowned as he slowly got up

"We might be asking for too much there Pokko...." Pieck sighed as she slowly got up aswell

"Come on, let's go...." Pieck announced as she turned around and began to walk back, Porco slowly followed behind

"Please look after Y/n...."

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