"Thank you. I appreciate you a lot,"

"Would you like me to swap with Maddox?" I asked, "I can sit in the corner,"


I kissed her hands, then let go and Maddox sat down, so I went to the corner and busied myself on my phone.

They spoke quietly, and Maddox was so gentle with her. She even went the other side and fixed Gabi's hair, then moved back to her front and gently brushed her cheeks.

"She's asleep,"

"Do you need a lift back? Or some food? We can go and get some food from downstairs,"

"I have no money,"

"I'm looking after you, I pay. Come on,"

"What if she wakes up?"

"She won't for a while I expect,"

She kissed Gabi's cheek and then stood, following me out of the room, staying a couple of steps behind.

When we got to the canteen, we both chose a meal and I paid, then we grabbed cutlery and I took us to a table.

"How are you doing?"


"It's tough, isn't it?"

She nodded and looked away, holding her fork tightly.

"She'll be okay. It's good to have her rest, and I will stay with her all the time,"

"Thank you,"

"When she's home and settled you can all come round,"

"Okay. How long will that be?"

"I don't know for sure, she's struggling with her meds quite a bit. I'd say a week max,"

"Are you off work?"

"Yeah, for a few weeks,"


"Kind of, but it's okay. We will be just fine,"

"Okay. My parents have asked for your bank details to send money for all the fuel and food,"

"Don't be silly, it's fine! Like I said, you're under my care if you're with me and I can see how much you care for Gabi,"

"Okay," she said, her nose twitching.

"I am here to talk to if you need anything, okay? No judgement, sometimes we all need an adult to talk to,"

She sighed, and shrugged, then twisted her fork round in her food for a moment.

"Can I tell you something that's kind of strange because you're my girlfriends dad, and I don't really know you, but I am kind of stuck?"

"Of course,"

"Well it is kind of embarrassing,"

"I am sure I have heard worse,"

"I think I have a UTI,"

"How come?"


"You think that," I added, "How come you think that?"

"It hurts to pee,"

"Okay. Have you got a doctors appointment booked?"

"No. I am scared, and I really hate phone calls,"

"Okay sweetheart, well I can see if Calum if free and he can get you some medicine,"


"It'll be okay,"

She nodded and took a deep breath, looking down.

"I don't really ever need the doctor and my mum and dad live so far away,"

"Don't worry about it! We will make sure you go home with medicine,"

"It's just because you're a doctor and,"-

"Maddox, it's okay. I am here to help. Why don't we see if we can find Cal?"

She nodded and we threw our things in the bin, then I slung my arm round her shoulder and led her towards his office.

One of the main reasons I insisted Gabi stayed at home was for the benefit of being able to talk to me face to face about anything she needed. We were really close now, and could talk about anything we had to, which probably wouldn't be the case as much if she went away.

And second of all, she needed her hugs. And Maddox needed her hugs right now too. Obviously there were boundaries, but she was scared and I would be looking after her as family while she was with Gabi, for she deserved that. I couldn't imagine how hard things like this were without a parent.

I knocked on the office door and poked my head inside, giving Calum a smile as he sat with a salad and his phone.

"Can I ask you for a quick favour?"


"Maddox thinks she has a UTI and is a bit worried, can you see if we can get her medicine?"

"No problem, give me one second,"

"Are there needles?"

"No," he laughed, "Promise. Come on, we will meet Luke back in Gabi's room,"

We went opposite ways and I let out a deep breath, heading back to the room. Thankfully, Gabi was still sleeping, so I started to make my bed for the night while I had a moment.

There was so much misery laced throughout the air in the room that it was heavy on me, and I understood why Gabi felt so tired.

We were all so tired.

I sat on the edge of my bed and put my head in my hands, tiredly rubbing my eyes as I listened to the monitors beep steadily.

I was at peace for a moment with the stillness.

But then the door clicked open and Maddox walked in, so I put on a smile.

"I got antibiotics,"

"They should help then. Do you need anything like a hot water bottle, or some tablets?"

"I think I have everything. Calum is going to take me back now,"

"Well I hope you feel better soon sweetheart," I said, wrapping my arms round her when she came in for a hug, "Thank you for keeping her company as well. She needs all the love right now, she appreciates you a lot,"

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