Chapter 29: New Life

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I definitely changed in just a matter of time. You can't say that the change went unnoticed because it was such a big change that it was as clear as daylight: I was no longer locking myself up in my room all day nor making sure that I didn't bump into anyone whenever I snuck out; now, I was spending my time all over the place - the kitchen, living room, games room, movie room. I even ate my meals with everyone else! My favourite place was the garden where I'd go on walks, exercise or sit on the rocking couch that has proven to be my favourite spot.

Steve and I had become closer and he'd always accompany me whenever I'd go out. He taught me everything I'd need to know from David and his heritage, the mafia and David's business and even how to fight... although I had to really persuade him to teach me about a lot of things.

As always, I was treated like a princess. Sometimes Pierre, Steve or King would ask me for some help with some of their problems so that I could practice... for when I end up inheriting all of David's wealth.

However, the most controversial change for me was the one that no one picked up on: contacting home. I no longer tried to reach out to my family or friends back home because, one: I know they wouldn't respond and, two: since I'm involved with the mafia, it would be safer for them that way. After finding out the truth, I removed all traces of me trying to reach out to them.

Of course all this hurt me deep down inside, but I couldn't let the hurt get to me. I had to move on. I put my trust in Allah because He is the best of planners so He knows what will happen in my future and why everything happens.

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"Beat that." teased Steve as he moved a chess piece.

We were playing chess in the library whilst David watched us. Outside the large window, we could see Pierre watering the plants in the garden. King stood in the shade of a tree outside, trying to persuade Pierre to get out of the heat and let the gardener do the job instead. However, Pierre refused to "let the plants suffer" (his exact words).

I studied the board in front of me, taking my time so that I made the best possible move.

"Checkmate." I announced, knocking over Steve's king with one of my pawns.

"Ha! Destroyed by a pawn - the worst possible piece to be killed with." laughed David,

Steve was looking at the board, confused as to how I managed to beat him for the fifth time in a row and using a piece of a low status.

"You'll just have to accept it: the longer you think of it, the more it'll destroy your ego." David advised him. "Let me have a go, I bet I can win."

"In your dreams." I muttered and I reset the game as they both switched seats. "You first."

"But you won." David protested.

"New player, new game." I responded, shifting in my armchair.

David moved a piece you wouldn't usually move first and I was impressed. I moved a pawn to start making way for my other pieces to get out.

The game was intense and we played with such rivalry it felt as though our lives depended on the outcome of this game. David was much smarter and had a better tactic than Steve, hence I had to focus more. He managed to take most of my pawns, but I managed to take most of his more important pieces. Finally, after a tough game, I made it through.

"Checkmate!" I cried victoriously, flicking his king off the board using my piece as I placed it in the king's place.

"That was just luck!" he protested.

"Or was it tactic?" I smirked.

"I don't even know how you do it, I- I ... my brain, it's- it's..." Steve stuttered, overwhelmed.

Kidnapped: Welcome 'home'Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz