Chapter 16: Unwanted Plans

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Daniel didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words. He acted as if nothing happened, throughout the whole photoshoot.

Thankfully, my frustration at Daniel was actually useful: Oscar wanted unique photos and unique photos he got. The team 'surprisingly' wanted a few cute photos, but ended up with photos that told the story of war. I looked annoyed or angry in so many photos, yet, somehow, the photos still managed to turn out amazing. I looked so feisty as if I was sick and tired of Daniel trying to get my attention (which I was). The girls were ecstatic with how powerful and independent the photos made women look, whilst the boys were thoroughly impressed. I, myself, was pleased with the outcome and even more pleased when I managed to sneak out of the studios and into the car, passed Daniel who was waiting for me for whatever reason that is.

Not too long later, I stood on the balcony in my room taking in the view of L.A.; a breeze played with strands of my hair, throwing them all over my face. Thoughts played alongside the breeze, like children in a playground, running here and there and tumbling over each other - I really couldn't think straight.

Eventually, I didn't have to think because a ringing phone snatched my attention like a little baby stealing the attention of the women watching over their children in the playground. I spun on my heel and strode into the bedroom, hope filling my chest as I located the phone. I had called my parents once again, not too long ago, maybe it's them? The Caller ID was an unknown number. But... it wasn't a UK number, it was an American one.

"Hello?" I said, hanging on very few threads of hope.

"Is this Asmaa?" a deep voice answered.

"Um... yes. Who is this?" I asked.

"Hey Asmaa. It's me, Daniel." he replied.

My face instantly clouded over; my hopes immediately disappeared into thin air; and a huge weight on my chest replaced them.

"How d'you get my number?" I grumbled, already annoyed.

"Sophia gave it to me upon my request."

I made a mental note to give Sophia a piece of my mind as soon as I was done with him. I didn't want anything to do with this guy and she was out here giving him my number.

"What d'you want?" I asked sternly.

"I called to invite you to dinner tomorrow. I've already spoken to your manager and your driver and both have agreed." he started off sounding nervous.

"No thanks." I responded matter-of-factly. He was nervous and I was going to give him a reason to be.

"Uhm... about that, everything is ready. I just wanted to get to know you more. Especially since..." he trailed off.

"Since what?"

"Nothing." he responded quickly. "So... see you tomorrow?"

"No." I snapped and ended the call.

Without a second thought, I called Sophia, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for her to pick up.

"Hey Asmaa!" she said in a cheery voice.

"What did you do?!" I screamed.

"What?" she replied, confused.

"Why did you give Daniel my number? Why did you allow him to plan a date with me? Why didn't you let me know beforehand?" I fumed.

"Oh. Sorry. I should have told you beforehand and asked for your opinion. But I thought that you two didn't get to know each other much today so you might want to do so before your next photo shoot together."

"NO! No. I don't want to get to know him and I DON'T want to go out with him!" I roared.

"I'm sorry," Sophia said in a small voice. I could almost see her flinch at my tone. "But it's been arranged. I can't cancel it. David would be mad..."

"So why did you give him my number?" I asked, taking a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Because you both work together and I thought you might want to have each other's contacts... just in case?"

I scowled at that.

"I'm sorry." she repeated.

"Your apology isn't going to do anything, is it? I. Don't. Date." and with that I ended the call.

My blood was boiling with anger and tears of frustration filled my eyes. It was against my religion to date others – how would dating be possible if free mixing wasn't allowed?! These people are trying to pull me into the haram, whether they knew it or not. I couldn't let them do it.

The tears in my eyes fought to be set free, but I couldn't let them, just like how governments strictly control immigration. I had to stay strong. If I wasn't strong, I wouldn't get out of this mess.

Instead, I laid out my prayer mat and put on my prayer clothes, dropping into prostration and crying. I cried long and hard, letting all my pains out and praying to my Lord for guidance and ease. I just couldn't help it.

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Another update for you all! This time, I wasn't late, nor did I forget, even though I have a Biology exam tomorrow. 😅

Hope you enjoyed!

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