Chapter 1: School's Out

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Hey guys! 👋
I just want to say a quick thank you for choosing to read my story and I can't wait for the full thing to be completed and published.
Hope you enjoy! 😉

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"Finally! School's over!" I cheered as soon as I stepped into my flat and sighed in relief.

Secondary school has finally come to an end after completing my last exam. It's been a treacherous 2 months of GCSE exams. Now I have the entire summer holiday to look forward to and better yet: it's still June; I've got a couple extra weeks off!

I threw my bag onto the floor next to my bed hoping not to come near it ever again and I went to change and freshen up.

I have finally completed the five long years of secondary school and I'll be graduating in a few days time. To be honest, I've been looking forward to prom and graduation.

I prayed the Dhuhr prayer (one of the 5 compulsory prayers in Islam) and thanked Allah for helping me get past this academic year, praying that I'd get good grades too.

The school day had ended earlier than usual, so I decided to spend some 'me time'. I scrolled through the channels until I finally found something interesting to watch. When the adverts came on, I switched my phone on and went through social media responding to messages, viewing stories and killing time.

After a while, I decided that I didn't want to spend my summer like this.

"Come on, Asmaa." I muttered to myself, "Get yourself together."

Dragging myself off the sofa and leaving the TV on, I walked off to my room. I sighed at the sight feeling a little upset: my siblings really created a mess in our room. How hard is it to keep a room tidy?

I picked up the bag that I hoped I wouldn't come close to and decided to unpack it; better sooner than later. I was a very neat and organised person, so unpacking my bag and putting all my school things away didn't take very long.

After the summer, I would be starting Sixth Form so I wouldn't be needing any of my school things again. I'll be starting off fresh.

One by one, I started counting off the things I could be doing soon...

"ASSALAMUALAIKUM!" screamed my little brother Younes as he ran into the flat.

"Wa-alaycom assalam" I responded, slightly upset that they are back already. I loved the peace and tranquillity, but they barely existed in his vocabulary..

"You're so lucky you finished early." moaned my younger sister Mariam. She had just started at my school this year so she was in Year 7, despite there only being a three year difference between our ages.

"We got given so much homework today," she continued, not noticing my smirk.

"I told you that they'd give you a lot of homework." I responded, thinking back to the time where she claimed that the teachers wouldn't do so back in September.

"How was your day today?" Omy asked me as I quickly gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"It was good!" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, because she got no more school and is now on holiday!" Mariam chipped in loudly from the other room.

I rolled my eyes at her jealousy and chuckled.

"Already? I thought you wouldn't finish until the start of July." Omy asked, looking confused.

"Nope. It's today." I responded, skipping off to continue watching TV.

"Just because you've finished school, doesn't mean that you're going to sit around doing nothing all day" she called after me.

"I know." I groaned, but for today, I was going to do just that.

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I'm sorry this chapter was a bit boring but I needed to get some things clear and I promise that it will get interesting.
Love you

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