Chapter 17: The Date

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I woke up, startled by my unfamiliar surroundings, where was I? Then I realised: 'my' bedroom. But why on the floor? Last night's events flooded back into my mind and I flinched, scowling. I must have fallen asleep after crying to my Lord about all my problems on the prayer mat.

Today, there was no string of hope to lighten the weight that lands on my chest every time I wake up in the morning and this morning the weight seems to have doubled in, well... weight.

I stormed off to the bathroom and performed my wudu to pray the Fajr prayer. I had run out of energy (and probably tears too) so I spent my time in sujood making Dua and praying to the Almighty. When I was finished, sleep wouldn't come so I exercised in the gym - no one would be awake right now. After my workout, I showered and finally felt sleepy so I clambered into bed snuggling under the covers and finally fell asleep.

I woke up hours later and, upon checking the time, found out that it was nearly time Asr. I still hadn't prayed Dhur. I quickly got ready to pray, unfortunately remembering what was planned for me later on today. Turns out, I didn't run out of tears, because as soon as I prostrated to my Lord, I started crying all over again.

Dizzy, thirsty and tired: I slowly got dressed in something informal and loose once I finished praying and made my way to the kitchen. I walked long strides, hoping not to bump into anyone. Thankfully, the kitchen was empty; I made myself something to eat and gulped it down. I, somehow, had enough decency to put the plate and empty glass in the sink, but left grabbing a bottle of water on my way without washing them. (Why should I?)

Locked up in the bedroom, refusing to respond to anyone and ignoring all phone calls and text messages I was receiving, I hoped that the events planned for later would be cancelled by chance. Later that afternoon, there was a sharp knocking on the door. Ignoring it as I had done all day, it eventually stopped. However, it was replaced with the jangling of keys as someone unlocked the bedroom door. I jumped out of bed and sprinted into the walk-in wardrobe, locking the door behind me. Astaghfirullah, they had no shame.

Considering that the bedroom door could get unlocked, that meant that so could this door. I wrapped a head scarf around my head and secured it tightly with a pin. Standing still, I listened attentively, trying to get some sort of understanding of who was in the bedroom, where they were and what they were doing.

Gently, I unlocked the door and stepped out.

David stood in the middle of the room, TV remote in hand with his head turned towards me. He must have turned off the TV because the room was incredibly quiet compared to mere moments ago.

"I was looking for you." he stated.

"What do you want?" I growled, glaring at him.

"You have a date. Hurry up and get ready."

"I don't date." I snapped, but he was out of the room, shutting the door behind him, before I could finish my sentence.

~ ~ ~

An hour and a half later, I was sat at a table for two, with Daniel opposite me. He had reserved a table for us both at a fancy restaurant. As fancy and romantic as it sounds (which was exactly what it was meant to be), I was not having it. I said it before and I'll say it again: I. Don't. Date.

I had dressed up in an outfit that was very casual to show that I'm not interested. David did tell me off as "this isn't the kind of outfit one should wear" (his words), causing an entire argument to start. I mean, he was forcing me to go on this 'date' and now wanted to dictate what I was going to wear. I wasn't going to have any of this.

Daniel was clearly trying to start up a conversation. He's really trying his best to make this a good experience, but I wasn't allowing him. It almost made me feel sorry for him. Almost. Out of sympathy, too.

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