Chapter 10: Shopping

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The rest of the day was spent locked up in the room. For me, it wasn't a big deal - at all - as it gave me so much time to myself to explore the room and its contents; go through all the clothes in the walk-in wardrobe and throw different items together to create a stunning, yet modest outfit; and contemplate over things as I stood on the balcony. I had to figure something out. And fast.

The next morning, I woke up early to pray the Fajr prayer. Many people miss out on this prayer because they would rather continue sleeping than wake up and pray, which is why this prayer is so important - making it even more important for me. Somehow, I managed to fall back asleep afterwards but I ended up sleeping in until almost noon.

Startled, I jumped out of bed and changed into some sportswear. I hurried to the basement to start my workout without having to interact with anyone in the household. Thankfully, my workout was complete much later without any interactions and I changed into something else that I planned the night before.. Despite it being past noon, I made my breakfast, or should I call it lunch?... no, it was brunch.

As I was slowly consuming my brunch, daydreaming into the distance about absolutely nothing, David Brooks walked in.

"Oh, there you are!" he exclaimed, "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Not that it'll matter to you." I responded glumly.

"Well, you did exceptionally well in yesterday's test," he continued.

"What was that test for?" I scowled.

"Nothing much."

"Then what was the point of testing me?"

"I came to tell you to get ready. We will be heading to the mall in a few. Please do wear something nice: it is a rather fancy mall."

"I really don't have a say in whether I want to go or not, do I?" I muttered to myself.

"Well I reckoned it would be nice for us to go out for a bit. Now hurry up." and with that he left.

After I finished my breakfast, I trudged back into my room and got changed into something more comfortable, even if it wasn't fancy. I also decided to ignore the make up completely, why should I put it on when I very rarely wore it in the first place? I wasn't going to ever let this guy tell me what to do.

Slowly, I made my way down the stairs and found everyone dressed and ready at the bottom. When I was in sight, they all looked up at me in shock. Both Pierre and David Brooks stared at me with their mouths slightly open and I looked ahead with an unsatisfied look on my face.

"I said something nice and fancy." breathed David.

"I don't care. Let's go if we're gonna go." I muttered as I continued my way to the door.

Soon after, we were all packed into the car and made our way to the mall. Pierre and Steve went in a different car for some unknown reason. When we reached the mall, King remained in the car as David and I left. Pierre and Steve neakept a distance from us but I'd spot them every now and then.


We headed straight towards the women's section in the first shop we entered. As I looked through the clothes, I couldn't help but crave some loose clothing that would really cover me. Relocating to the dresses section, I flicked through the dresses, none of them appealed to me.

"What is wrong with this dress?" asked David, holding out a brightly coloured dress.

"Too bright," I mumbled.

"What about this one? he asked, holding out another dress.

"Too revealing."

"How about this dress?"

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