Chapter 9: Boxing

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As promised, here is the second update for today. I'm really looking forward to the one after this though.

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I took my time in my prayers, wanting to make up for missing them and to really ask for help and guidance. I savoured the peace and tranquillity that enveloped me whilst praying, and the one that remained after too.

There wasn't much to do after that and I wasn't going to make myself at home; I couldn't get too comfortable here: I had to get home. I didn't want to see anyone either so I just stayed locked up in what-is-supposedly 'my' room.

Somehow, I didn't break down crying even though I was thinking about my situation long and hard and it shocked me. Why wasn't I crying? That is a question I couldn't work out the answer to and doing so would have wasted my time anyway.

I woke up early the next morning, prayed my Fajr prayer, then went to workout. Unlike the day before, I went on my jog first before heading to the gym. I warmed up, like usual; started my workout, like usual, pushing myself to the limits; I was just finishing up and was about to leave when, unlike usual, someone spoke.

"Early morning start, huh?"

I jumped out of my skin and whipped round seeing Steve smiling at me.

"Um... How long have you been standing there?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable.

"Long enough to know that you can lift some serious weights." he laughed as he moved towards the corner of the gym stuffed with boxing equipment.

"Do you box?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. Almost immediately, I regretted asking the question.

"Yeah, why?" he asked.

"Nothing, just..." I trailed off, cautious of what I was saying.

"Do you want me to teach you?" he asked, looking up at me.

"No. I was just asking." I snapped as I stormed out of the gym.

A few minutes later, I stood in the shower letting the water trickle down my face. The conversation I had with Steve was replaying over and over in my head.

Why did I ask Steve that question? Probably because I was into boxing. But why was I so into boxing? Maybe it was because I found it the most interesting of sports - that and it teaches discipline and helps me release any negative emotions, or so many boxers say.

A sharp knock on the bedroom door disrupted me from my thoughts. I quickly finished showering and dried up, changing into some comfortable, yet baggy, clothes with a matching hijab.

Opening the bedroom door, I looked both sides trying to find out who it was that knocked. The hallway was dark even though it was late morning. I took a couple of steps to see if I could reach the light switches, but decided to go back to my room instead.

Just as I was heading back, a large figure with a mask on their face appeared in front of me. They tried to grab me. I ducked in time, making them miss. Standing back up, I made sure to crouch a little to make it easier for me to move quickly. Instinctively, I raised my hands to my head to both protect my head and make throwing a punch easier. Without realising, out of the flight, fight or freeze modes, I had taken on the fight mode.

The masked figure brought his hand up again and I ducked once more, taking the chance to throw a couple of punches at his unprotected side.

Punch. PUNCH.

He lowered his arm and held his side.

Punch... punch, punch.

I moved around him to attack him from a different angle.

Punch, punch ... punch.

It became a boxing match. I used the darkness, my speed and my size to make it harder for him to locate where exactly I was standing. The power of the punch is also important: it is what hurts your opponent and stops them from continuing.

Minutes passed and I realised that if I continued this way I wouldn't win the fight. It was a method some boxers used in their fights: tire your opponent so that you can attack later when they are more vulnerable. I was moving a lot - too much even - which meant that I would lose a lot of energy and punching his stomach wasn't helping either - it was like punching a wall.

Cut to the chase Asmaa. Do an uppercut. Hit his head.

He screamed in pain after I did an uppercut, hitting his jaw. I decided to bend some of the rules for the boxing ring (afterall, this wasn't a proper boxing match) and kicked him in a sensitive area. He bent over, dropping to his knees in pain and I took off.

Another arm then grabbed my shoulder and I turned around, putting all the force from the turn into the punch. It landed on the new figure's face. This new figure was also masked, but they were smaller and thinner than the last.

Somehow, three body punches, a couple uppercuts and a few random punches later, the second figure was on the ground in unbearable pain (or so it must have been depending on the noise they were making).

However, a third figure appeared and they were much like the first in stature. I wanted this fight to be over quickly so I went for a more vulnerable part of the body.

Go for his neck.

I smiled to myself thinking of how much damage a punch to the neck can cause. Punching the neck, the third figure gasped as if they were taking his last breath.

Punch, punch... punch, punch ... PUNCH.

Punching them one more time, they dropped to the ground, finding difficulty breathing.

I took off. After a few steps, a slow clap started. All the lights were switched on and the windows opened at the same time, causing me to flinch.

"Bravo! Well Done!" exclaimed David Brookes.

I turned towards his voice. My eyes finally adjusted to the light and saw him standing there, beaming from ear to ear.

"You were amazing!" he exclaimed.

I heard a groan and turned towards its source. Turns out, the three masked figures were Steve, Pierre and King, of whom were all lying on the ground in pain.

It had been a long time since I had fought and it felt good to get back on these lot for what they had done. What didn't feel good was that I was set up like this. If you asked me, I had now left the bedroom for no valid reason. With a scowl on my face, I returned to the bedroom, my solitude, stepping over the bodies and slammed the door behind me.

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter (at least more than the last). I'm currently writing the 20th chapter and my mind's gone blank 😑.

I'm sure I'll figure something out...
In the meantime, feel free to vote, comment and share 💕

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