Chapter 27: Truths

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A few days went by and my wounds were healing nicely; I was now able to walk and move around but not how I used to: the skin has finally come together, but the wounds were still healing I still spent most of my days in my room... though I had also begun to spend times in the other rooms too.

Everyone made sure that I was comfortable at all times so that I wouldn't have to do much. As much as I hated saying this, I was actually enjoying myself. I was being treated like a princess.

Once I felt like my legs were strong enough, I decided to find out the truth. I knocked on the door to David's study and walked in without waiting for an answer.

The room looks very similar to that in New York, only this time, it was a lot more natural and warm, being made up of wood and leather, making it feel cosier than his metallic container of a study in New York.

"Ok David, I want the truth." I said crossing my arms and shifting my weight to 1 foot.

"Now? I thought that you wanted to wait until you are fully recovered." he asked, looking up at me from his paperwork.

"Now." I confirmed.

David looked down, unable to look me in the face. He put down his pen and laced his hands together. "I'm sorry. I really am." he apologised, "I didn't realise how wrong my actions were until it was too late. What I did was wrong and I shouldn't have done that."

I scoffed at what he said, however he didn't look up. Of course his actions were wrong. What did he think of his actions for it to take him that long to realise? That it's the right thing to do and that they are some sort of good deed?

"I was in London when you caught my eye. You were an amazing, caring, bubbly person amongst your peers and your personality just stuck with me. I kept thinking of you and felt you were perfect for the role I was looking for someone to fill... When you stared me in the eye that day on the tube, you struck me as someone confident who sticks up for themselves and when I saw you with your friends the next day, you seemed to be a really fun person to be around..."

I stayed silent to let him continue, but when he didn't I spoke up and asked: "Did you stalk me those days?"

After a few moments of silence, when I just began to think that he wasn't going to answer, he answered. "Not exactly."

That was a yes to me. "Why?" I asked to get him to elaborate further.

"Because I wanted to know you. You seemed like a really amazing person and you're so– I– I wanted to know you better... I did a background check on you. I managed to find out all sorts of information about you so that I knew you well."

"Do you realise how creepy that is?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure that you were comfortable when you came here."

Silence followed before he continued: " I'm sorry. I kidnapped you because I knew it would take a while for you to give me permission to bring you here and there was no way your parents were going to allow you to come with me. Especially since you've completed your GCSEs, you would want to attend graduation and all... so I kidnapped you. That way you could- get here faster and... it was the safest possible way to do it... for me anyway."

His voice became quieter as he continued and he had his head in his hands.

My blood boiled in anger. Not wanting to explode, I didn't say anything. Instead, I breathed deeply.

"And the passport?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"I knew that you were going to get a new passport so I interceded your mail and took your new passport before you got it."

Kidnapped: Welcome 'home'Where stories live. Discover now