Chapter 15: Pick Up Lines

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The next four days passed in the same manner. As a result, I had started to question myself all over again about whether I'm giving in and accepting what has happened or not. Whenever I have a moment to myself, I always end up having an internal argument about it.

You're giving in to them now.

No I'm not.

So how do you explain your cooperation with the modelling team?

I'm not working with David, I'm working withSophia.

But you're working for David.

But I'm getting paid. The money I earn is for me. With that money, I could use it to escape or something...

~ ~ ~

Friday finally arrived and I was in my dressing room, killing time whilst waiting for the team to arrive - as usual. I stared at myself in the mirror and was shocked when I stared into the reflection of my eye. Over the many years that I stared into my own eyes, they've never looked like this: they were darker, duller... dead without their usual shine that could have only been impacted by something dangerous. This change became difficult for me to ignore whenever I saw myself, but it required for you to really look deep into my eyes for you to notice them.

Why was I this way? Well, the answer to that was easy, the question I needed to ask was: how do I get out of this mess?

I reflected on what my life has become: Sophia wakes me up every morning like every other morning, screaming "GOOD MORNING!" into the phone as soon as I'd pick up. David has been accepting the silent treatment I've been giving him. I only spoke to him if (extremely) necessary and with an attitude. Pierre, his secretary, was receiving the same treatment from me, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it – if he was, then he was doing a good job of hiding it. David, on the other hand, seemed rather upset and I couldn't care less.

I was really missing my family - every night I'd dream about them and would wake up expecting to be in my bed at home in London. However, that wasn't the case: I'd wake up in a fancy luxurious room with a very comfortable bed, feeling numb on the inside.

I was also starting to lose hope.

I'd call my parents and my own phone in London over and over, but no one would pick up. Slowly, but surely, I was starting to become overcome with what-ifs and theories. No matter how hard I would try to shake them off immediately, they always came creeping back...

~ ~ ~

After lunch, I made my way back to the dressing room, thinking about what my next outfit would be and how the photos would turn out, but that wasn't what Sophia had planned for me...

"Right, so I've got something planned for you." Sophia started, going through the things on her clipboard.

"Of course you do. You're my manager." I replied, posing in the mirror.

"Yes, but this time it's different." she said, "You're going to be modelling with someone else." She was now looking at me through the mirror.

I blinked at her through the mirror waiting for her to continue.

"His name is Daniel. He'll be modelling with you for the next couple of days." she explained, "Sorry I didn't plan some time for you two to get to know each other." and she smiled at me with a sympathetic smile as if not letting us meet beforehand was wrong.

Lucy then walked in with an outfit for me to try, preventing me from responding. It was a gorgeous maxi dress and Sophia left right behind Lucy, who was out of the door as soon as she placed the outfit on the couch.

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