Chapter 12: The Drive

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I was in a car with David, King and Steve, on our way to God-knows-where. Actually, our planned destination was a studio. A modelling studio for David's clothing company.

I had just finished another workout, like every other day, and had my breakfast, like every other day for the past week. My emotions were unknown: they all seem to have been left behind. I was taking too long to escape. As I returned to the bedroom, like every other day, I almost walked into David, as in actually bumped into him due to our close proximity, which was unlike every other day.

"Good morning, Asmaa!" exclaimed David, he was good at pronouncing my name which I found very odd. "Today is the day we get up on our feet and move on!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him to the bedroom I was staying in (now known to me as 'The Bedroom').

"So you found your gifts from me," he said, glancing at the laptop and phone on the desk as he walked into the wardrobe,"and you sorted everything out". He flicked through the items in the wardrobe, picking out an outfit for me. I walked in and grabbed a random outfit that looked presentable enough for my standards. "Ah, yes, those would do. Now quickly get ready, I'll be waiting for you downstairs." he instructed, putting the clothes that were in his hands away and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I put the phone to charge, showered, changed and got ready to leave. That was when I realised that I still had David's debit card. I turned the card over in my hands, wondering if I should return the card to him or not, I decided against it and quickly tucked it into my handbag, determinedly.

As soon as I got into the expensive looking BMW, we were on our way and David briefly explained to me the day's plan quickly whilst he did whatever it was he was doing on his phone. "Today will be your first day modelling at my company. There will be another model there too soon..."

I zoned out as he continued to rant on and on until he ordered me to give him my phone. "What?" I said, not registering what he said.

"Give me your phone." he repeated without looking up.

I reluctantly handed him my phone, not knowing what he wanted from it and he tried to open it, but the passcode stopped him.

"Password." he said. handing me the phone and returning his attention to his own. I opened the phone and returned it to him. He took the phone and took in what was on the screen.

"You sure did personalise it" he said, a smile forming as he started clicking away.

A couple minutes later, he finally returned the phone to me and I noticed that many numbers were now saved on it. There were some social media accounts and emails also saved, but I ignored them all, going against the inkling feeling to see the accounts.

I went through all the new contacts David added to my Phone app, their names and any information on each contact. Just as I was going through the last contact, a banner appeared indicating an incoming call. I read the Caller's ID and declined.

"If you've got something to say, you can say it out loud." I said in a glum tone.

"Well, in that case we are here." he said, getting out of the car.

Steve opened the door for me and I stepped out taking in the office building that towered before me. It looked more like a headquarters rather than an office and a headquarters it was: this was the brain and the heart of David Brooks' business. This was where I was going to, apparently, start work.

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Oops! I wasn't supposed to publish this chapter just yet, but I accidentally pressed Publish instead of Save. I guess I won't take it down though. Surprise chapter for all!

Hope you enjoyed it

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